Footage of Luciana putting down Nick and Alicia putting down his last enemy plays from Althea’s camera. Simultaneously the group continues on their journey in her truck. She begins questioning Strand, starting with, “How did you end up here?”
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Luciana cuts in and says, “There was one day where we could have stopped all of this from happening.” Althea wants to start there and hear about that day.
The opening credits for Fear the Walking Dead play in the style of a playback from a tape.
Going back to the days at the baseball stadium, Luciana is overlooking the group of enemies outside. Mel is offering them food and supplies. Charlie eats and is gleeful.
In the present, Luciana explains that the group tried to stretch their rations with cattle feed. “It’s an acquired taste,” Strand tells her.
In the past, Strand wants to enhance people’s meals by putting their precious syrup on it. They reject it, insisting he save it for when things get better. Naomi seems skeptical and sits just far enough away for it to be obvious. They’re going to go out on a supply run.
Strand leads a man through a greenhouse. He tells him he went to Texas A&M. In return, Strand tells him he did not. Althea continues her interrogation which brings out more of the story. They come across walkers with like spikes coming out of their face, possible the barbs from cacti.
Nick and Luciana are on their own journey. They come across a giant memeย of a cat hanging on a string, reading, “Hang in there baby!” He tells her they are here to collect books for their library because there has to be more to life than searching for food. They debate his motivation and come to realize that he is trying to help Charlie. In the present, they realize they couldn’t help her, because she ended up killing Nick.ย
Later, John drives as the rest ride in the back. He tells them he used to be a police officer which gets a grin from Morgan. “I knew a guy back on the force,” he starts. “He’d drink a bottle of rye whiskey every night for dinner.” After a close call with a suspect, he went one week without drinking. “It takes more than one bad afternoon, or good one, to turn somebody,” John says. “So I’m guessing after we pay our respects you’re gonna be back on your way.”
He promises he is “gonnaย find her” and he wants Morgan there when he does. Morgan, however, insists he is better on his own. In the back, Althea offers to pause the interrogation.ย
In the past, Alicia and Naomi roll up to what was once a theme park. Naomi explores a truck, ruling it would be a good one to take back, but it has no cars. Alicia realizes she knows a good bit about cars.
People once lived at this park but the dead bodies indicate that’s no longer the case. They continue their search. They find a few walkers and put them down. There’s a herd huddled up at the top of a water slide.ย
Strand and his buddy continue their run, elsewhere. Strand admits he likes him. “I’ve done things,” Strand tells him. “I keep this to remind me that I don’t wanna become that man again.” He is holding a little pebble which was in his pocket.ย
Alicia and Naomi continue their journey through the water park and start putting down walkers in a pool. They flee but Alicia dropped her knife in the pool. Eventually, they reach the top of the slide and find a 50 caliber rifle. Naomi is caught off-guard by a walker and slides down with it. Alicia ends up following, with the gun’s barrel as he only hope at a weapon. The slides over for it and puts down the walker which was clawing for her friend.
In the present, Alicia admits she sharpened the barrel into more of a weapon later.ย
Back at the top of the waterslide, the two women loot what’s left there. Naomi finds car keys. Alicia finds medical supplies. Naomi is up to something funky and instructs Alicia to keep a look out for people who might be coming. When Alicia turns around, she realizes Alicia abandoned her.ย
Strand’s journey continues, revealing he has enough to supplies to flee the baseball stadium and to survive for a month. They beginย arguing about how people make it or don’t. Strand tells him he does what it takes to survive. “You wannaย get to know me?” he asks. “This is me.” The man refuses to join him and drives back alone.
Althea questions whether Strand thinks this is his fault. Alicia defends him, saying it’s not his fault, and he wasn’t the only one who thought about leaving.ย
In the past, Naomi fires up the truck but it is out of gas. Alicia catches up to her and scolds her to either be with them or not. “I just can’t do it again,” Naomi tells her. Alicia explains that she has tried the same thing in the past, going off on her own, but it wasn’t what she actually wanted.ย
Nick and Luciana’s journey continues as they come across a walkers tied to a wall. It is presumably a librarian. Nick puts it down and realizes the human killed himself. Nick and Luciana disagree on what the future can look like. Luciana wants to start all over and offers to open a book of the south western United States and head to the first page they open to.
In the present, Luciana rules, “I never should’ve opened that book.”
At the baseball stadium, Madison looks out over the horizon. Mel waves to her from the parking lot. He wants to talk on the radio and sarcastically asks if she has any relish. They meet in the parking lot and Mel starts to question where she is sending people of to. He ends up telling her that he had a little settlement before all of this. Heย convinced everyone to stay before fires came and they listened. His brother and him were the only ones who made it out alive.ย
“That’s why this place is gonna fall,” he responds.ย
“I’m not gonnaย join you,” she rules.
Strand is seen considering leaving. Naomi puts gas in her truck with Alicia’s help.ย
Ultimately, everyone returns to the stadium. Strand says he brought all of the supplies back because he “got a little reminder of what he stood to lose.” It was his syrup that everyone got excited about. He never told everyone the truth about packing up the supplies.ย
Nick approaches his mom with a map and suggests everyone go further than ever one time to try and find all of the necessary supplies to make this place what it was. Alicia brought Naomi back and she wants to make an infirmary at the stadium.
However, in the present, everyone recalls this day as the day everything at the stadium want wrong because they should haveย convinced Madison to leave or found a different place to go.
At night, the group parks the truck in a field. They come across a cache of weapons. The group wants to go after those responsible for Nick’s death. Althea is not happy about the group’s deception. Strand has a map to their location.ย
Alicia questions whether or not Althea will drive them. John wants her to continue his search for Laura instead. Strand convinces her to come see how this ends for herself. John isn’t happy about it. Morgan questions if they’re planning on burying Nick. They do — in the hole where their weapons were stashed.ย
While loading up, John requests to keep one bag as it belonged to Laura. He opens it and searches inside.
In the past, Naomi asks for a second to herself. When she’s finally alone, she reveals the gun John has been looking for.
John finds the gun in this backpack. He starts calling out for answers. Luciana tells him, “Naomi didn’t make it out of the stadium.”
“She’s dead,” Alicia tells him, coldly.ย
John insists she’s out there. Strand starts to ramble. Luciana tells him to “Shut up.” John wants everyone to let him be for a moment. He looks through the guns chamber. He looks out at the horizon.ย
Althea joins him. “I’ll find out what happened,” she tells him. “And I’ll come back for you.”ย
Morgan approaches and sends Althea with the rest. He will stay here with John.ย