The episode starts with Kelly in the woods, taking in the sun but struggling with her hearing. She comes upon a boar in the woods and tries to use her sling shot to take it down but her hearing is ruining her focus. Still, she manages to hit her target. She gets closer as it is dying and has to put it down, almost getting bit by a couple of approaching walkers that she couldn’t hear. The herd ends up eating the boar and Kelly has to run. She falls down a hill and hurts herself badly. A walker is closing in as she passes out.
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The Walking Dead’s opening credits play.
In the woods, Negan is washing his face when a young man from Alexandria starts messing with him. It’s Brandon. He has a knife and tosses Negan a canteen. He had to catch up to him after freeing him from the jail cell.
The Hilltop continues to rebuild. They realize that supplies are going missing overnight. Yumiko asks who was on watch which sends her to Magna, who is pouting in the Barrington House. She ignores Yumiko and turns her music up. Outside, Siddiq and Daryl ride into town. They are greeted by Ezekiel who asks about Negan, followed by Daryl asking about Carol. Another group rides in. Connie asks them about Kelly but no one knows where she is.ย
Somewhere in the woods, Negan is out with Brandon and getting annoyed by his whistling. His dad was a Savior and he is trying to get the Savior whistle right. Brandon starts fantasizing about the Sanctuary and he is mad that Rick Grimes killed his parents. He heard that he shot Carl Grimes. Negan gets angry and corrects him, showing respect to Carl, and saying he would never kill a kid. Brandon says, “We’re both Negan!”
Later, they continue on their journey and find an old Whisperer camp. A walker attacks Negan but he narrowly escapes, using a stick and barbed wire to cut its head off. Brandon didn’t hellp because he was trying to get Lucille out of his bag and present Negan with his leather jacket. He asks him to put it all back in the bag for now so he doesn’t get recognized.ย
Meanwhile, Aaron is swinging a sword around on a bridge when he hears footsteps. He heads in to investigate. Gamma is there killing walkers and cutting them open. She leaves their blood and guts to spill into the water.ย
Elsewhere, Brandon starts rating walkers on a level of 1 to 10 and Negan is put off by it. He jets off and into a warehouse. The knife he uses to kill a walker breaks. In the back of a bus, Negan finds a woman who is trapped and rescues her from walkers. She has a kid with her. Brandon calls out, “Damn! Classic Negan!”
Somewhere in the woods, Daryl and Connie are searching for Connie. He starts to tell her about Merle. “This one time, hj takes me fishing,” he says. “On this big lake, right? Private property. This boat, which is stolen, stolen boat… He’s drinking. He’s fishing, he’s drinking, he falls in the lake. [SPLASH!] I had to take him like this, swim, all the way back. I save his life. You know what he says to me? ‘Dumby, go get the beer.’ Idiot, right?” They hold hands and he says, “It’s gonna be alright.” Dog has found something — the boar Kelly killed. They come across Magna wandering through the woods.
At Hilltop, Yumiko is worried about the people out in the woods. Alden tries to help her feel better. When Yumiko leaves, Earl asks if he really thinks Kelly is okay before going into a conspiracy about the Whisperers coming back for worse.ย
In the infirmary, Ezekiel suddenly starts coughing very aggressively. Siddiq is worried for him but Ezekiel insists he is fine. He finally allows Siddiq to take a look at a lump on his neck. “I know what it is,” he says. “Growing up my grandma had one, then my father. Pain, coughing, swelling.” They all went through various treatments and it still didn’t help. Now, they don’t even have those things. Siddiq tries to come up with solutions or options.
In the bus, Negan gets to know the woman and her son. His name is Milo and they’ve been moving around a lot jut to survive. They head out and Brandon starts suggesting they follow them. He grabs a weapon and wants to go after them but Negan stops him and boasts, “People are a resource.” He sends Brandon home and never wants to see him again.
At a camp, Gamma approaches Alpha. Alpha reveals that “we will crush them” with her plan. One of the pack suggests cutting the enemy down all at once since they have taken out some of their guardians. Alpha allows the group to agree but no one does. “That’s democracy for ya,” she tells him. She suddenly cuts his leg and he collapses. When he tries to strike, she slices his arm then hands the knife to Beta to finish the job.ย
Elsewhere, Negan talks with Milo who is playing with a toy airplane. Milo asks where Brandon went. Negan lies, tells him he went for supplies, then tells him he told Brandon to get lost. He then goes on to offer up a story about what it’s like to fly in descriptive detail. He jokes about how bad the food is and says “my Lucille, she wouldn’t even touch it.” He also explains to the kid what “nut tapping” is and how to do it. He goes on to tell them about Hilltop and promises to take them there.ย
Out in the woods, Gamma walks with the reanimated member of the group. She repeatedly bashes its head while remembering the terrible things which have happened recently and ends up cutting herself and dropping her knife in the water. Aaron tosses her some bandages. “I’m from Vermont,” he tells her, just before she runs off.
Later, Connie and Yumiko have found Kelly. Kelly insists they tell Daryl and Connie about the supplies they’ve been taking. Daryl is mad about them taking the supplies and Connie suggests they lie and say they found it in the woods.ย
Meanwhile, Negan is rounding up wood. Brandon hasn’t left. Negan hers him whistling. He killed the woman and her son. Negan drops the wood and picks up a rock which he uses to bash in Brandon’s head. He takes his bat and leather jacket and heads out on his own.ย
Later, after Daryl’s group returns to Hilltop, Siddiq is on the radio. He and Ezekiel talk over the radio. He’s going to head home tonight to see Rosita. Ezekiel sits by his radio just listening. He turns it off after learning Carol isn’t there.
Yumiko questions Magna about the supplies she claims to have found. “For 13 years that’s how you’ve looked at me,” she tells Yumiko, referencing the first time Yumiko was her lawyer. Yumiko defends herself, saying she believed Magna. Yumiko admits that she did kill the man who hurt her little cousin. Yumiko is moving out of the room.
At their camp, Gamma shows Alpha a bandage she had to put on her hand. “The man with the metal arm gave it to me,” she says. Alpha shushes her and instructs her to sit. Alpha removes Gamma’s mask. They discuss sacrifices and Gamma tells her that her sacrifice was much greater, in reference to Lydia. Alpha says they might just have to wear a new mask.
At Hilltop, Daryl tells Connie that he is going back to Hilltop for Siddiq. Connie apologizes for getting Daryl involved with Kelly and Magna’s lie. He understands because they are family. She signs to him, “We are family.”
Meanwhile, Negan is trotting around the woods in his leather jacket with Lucille on his shoulder. He starts reciting, “Little pig, little pig!” He comes across a herd of walkers and starts smashing their heads, saying, “I am gonna huff, and I am gonna puff, and I am gonna blow your head all the way in,” between the swings. He is, however, discovered by the whisperers. “Alright, you big ass freak, let’s do this,” he tells Beta.ย