A montage of the group killing walkers and breaking down roadblocks opens the episode. The roadblocks seem be around a common center point in Texas. Their hunt is motivated by finding whoever took Althea. As John and June ride out to another, the radio signal gets lost. They come across another road block and approach walkers to kill them. A gun shot from behind them kills one, prompting them to rush back into their van and drive right through the road block. He sees a sign for Humbug’s Gulch and has an idea.
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They arrive in an abandoned location. It looks like an old western world, complete with tumbleweed blowing through. It is where John used to put on his gun shows, calling it “the Gulch.”
Fear the Walking Dead‘s opening credits play.
John tells June about the location before they make their way inside one of the buildings. He leads them to a cache of guns and ammunition.ย
Meanwhile, Luciana finishes marking the locations on their map while in the car with Alicia. She is still recoveringย from her injury in the plane crash. Alicia apologizes, showing guilt. Luciana doesn’t feel bad about it, thought. Alicia overhears the kids talking over the radio, with one giving away their location. They sound as if they are hiding from something.
Back in the Gulch, sand is kicking around in the wind and walkers a stumbling through. John somewhat opens up about his performances here, which mostly involved trick shooting. John does not play along with June’s questioning, insisting they can make it back to the group and have to try.ย
Outisde, gunshots are sent at John and June. John uses his skills to shoot the man. Afterย a small chase and killing some walkers, he finds Dwight. Dwight takes aim, asking, “Where is she?” in regards to his wife Sherry but John and June know nothing about her.ย
Back inside, Dwight is tied up and is unconscious. They have found notes from Sherry whichย Dwight had been carrying. He wakes up and insists that they don’t touch his notes. He insists no one can help him.
Elsewhere, Alicia and Luciana drive across some spikes and their car crashes.ย
Meanwhile, John and June decide to head to the roof and get out of the town on foot. Dwight offers them his car but they insist he will come with them. He finally reveals that his name is Dwight and he is looking for Sherry. They shake hands as John introduces himself and June. Together, they set the piano to play and leave the doors open to attract all of the walkers into the building as they exit through an upstairs window.ย
Dwight jumps from the roof. He reveals to John that he calls the dead “walkers” and they make an effort to get away. Dwight runs out of bullets and has to use an axe. They start making heir way to the car but Dwight goes the other way. He makes a break for a van, frantically searching it for a note from Sherry.ย
John radios to Dwight. The last note Dwight found was on the registration for this van but he can’t find another note in it. “I’ve been looking for Sherry for, I don’t know, at least a year,” he says. June ultimately tells Dwight they found they van without anyone alive in it but offers hope that Sherry could be alive.
Dwight is holding onto a note that says “West on 30” and explains that he doesn’t deserve to find Sherry. “I’m not like you,” he tells them. “I did things. Things you can’t even imagine.” June insists he is not alone in that. “I’m still doing things,” he says. “I tried to kill you just cause I thought you had maybe done something to her but you didn’t…I would’ve killed you for nothing.”
June finally gets through to Dwight, who now simply thinks he can’t get out of the van which is surrounded by walkers. John is ready to help him, though.
On an empty road, Alicia is on the radio searching for the kids: Dylan, Max, and Andy. Morgan pulls up in a red tow truck. Alicia gets on the radio and talks about losing her mom and brother, requesting a chance to help them.ย
Back in Humbug’s Gulch, John is opening fire on the walkers. Dwight is, as well. He is attempting to clear a path to Dwight’s car. John takes out the walkers one by one. Dwight starts heading his way when John runs out of bullets and kills one with an axe. His weakened state causes him to fall under its corpse. John has one bullet left, telling Dwight to raise his axe. Using the last bullet, John splits it on the axe, taking out both walkers in one shot.ย
Later, John explains that the van was not the one Dwight was searching for. He gives Dwight hope that Sherry could still be out there. Moments later, Alicia, Luciana, and Morgan show up.
Dwight comes into the circle. Morgan and Dwight are shocked to see each other. The group is equally shocked that they know each other. “We come from the same place,” Morgan explains.ย
“You take 20?” Morgan asks.
“Then 85,” Dwight tells him. “I was following my wife Sherry’s trail.” He tries to apologize to Morganย but Morgan insists he doesn’t have to talk about it right now.ย
Dwight has been stuck here longer than he had hoped. He doesn’t have answers about who is blocking the roads, though. Alicia wants to see where he has gone.ย
Later, the kids radio to Alicia that they are on their way, just as the group was about to burst through a road block. The group finds the kids’ van and there is a bloody Dylan in the backseat. Elsewhere, Max and Andy discuss how they left the trap for the group and they’re going to make sure they never get bothered again. They are the ones who have been setting the walker road blocks.ย