Fear The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Pablo & Jessica

The episode begins with Strand and Madison are fighting through the walkers at the bar. After [...]

The episode begins with Strand and Madison are fighting through the walkers at the bar. After killing a few, Madison hears Alicia scream. She breaks through a door and leaves Victor behind.

After making it into a safer room behind the bar, Madison calls Strand to join her. using a broken liquor bottle, she cuts up a dead zombie and tells Strand to cover himself with its insides.

Much like Nick has done throughout the series, Madison and Strand slowly walk among the zombies. The two make it to the lobby unharmed and barricade the door behind them. It's the same door Alicia finds last week.

Escaping the hotel, Strand and Madison realize the truck is gone. Since they can't drive away, the two friends climb a set of scaffolding to a balcony. Now inside, the two are alone and safe.

Strand thinks Alicia has fled to safety, but Madison argues that her daughter would do no such thing. Sitting down, she agrees that Alicia's independence is a product of her teaching.

After the opening titles, Strand has reappeared, but having taken a shower. Madison has bathed, as well. They talk about rationing their water, but Strand convinces her to drink.

Alicia is heard screaming, and Madison breaks open the door to let her enter. Strand blocks off the door after Alicia and [characters] enter.

Over at La Colonia, Nick roams the crowded street. He sees a young girl crying, and then explores the infirmary a little further. Going upstairs, he finds Alejandro.

Nick apologizes for his mistake at the grocery store, and Alejendro tells him he compromised the entire compound. While helping Alejandro with medicine, Nick tells a story of his friend from before the infection. Nick declares he wants to make things right, that he knows how to use medicine.

A montage with heavy music shows Nick pounding away at controlled substances. He creates a pill with the procedure and presents it to Alejandro. The pills will give them a shot at a deal.

Back at the hotel, Madison and Strand discuss going after Ofelia. Madison says they should track her down, Strand says no. Elena explains that there are plenty of resources in the shops surrounding the hotel, but that the inhabitants want her dead.

Outside, Madison and Strand call up to a room, looking for Oscar. Oscar calls down from a balcony, allows them to come up. They need each other to survive, he understands that.

Nick is still helping Alejandro with their pill production. Nick is still curious, and asks about Alejandro's bite. He reveals he knows about the bite, and shows his doubt about the story. Alejandro asks Nick to take a leap of faith in believing him, but Nick admits he has trouble with that.

In Oscar's room, Madison asks him about his plan. She sees the opportunity in the hotel as a home, Oscar doesn't think it is worth it. Oscar comes around to agreeing with Madison, but says he will only help if Elena leaves. Oscar and his friends lost their loved ones because of Elena, but Madison promises they can all start over. She claims others will find the hotel, and the two groups could hold it together. Oscar agrees and tells them to take the keys.

Madison and Strand leave, but they know that Oscar's mother-in-law is still doubting their situation. Victor admits to missing his home with Thomas. He agrees to help with the hotel, but says it's not his home.

Holding his pill next to an oxycotton, Nick knows he has succeeded, He will take the fake pills to sell to the store. Before leaving, Alejandro tells Nick a story of a young addict who got mixed in with zombies. Alejandro says he rushed in to help, and says he was bitten. He says Luciana saved him and he never turned from the bite. Nick moves the man's shirt to check the mark, and it is definitely there.

Alejandro knows Nick likes being out in the danger, but he wants him to be careful. he claims he wants Nick to come back, Nick appreciates the belief in him. As they look over, Luciana is playing soccer with some children. Nick goes over to join them and Alejandro watches.

Nick clearly knows what he's doing, and scores a goal right away. Luciana shares a flirtatious smile with him.

A man covered in blood approaches and Luciana calls him Echo. He says he found Pablo, but that he was in pieces. Luciana tries to watch the conversation, but is at a distance. She goes over to investigate as the children surround Nick.

After the break, Nick and Luciana are walking away from La Colonia. He tells her she didn't have to come, but she says he doesn't know Spanish. Luciana reveals Pablo was her brother, and she goes on to talk about their story after the infection. Her father was gone before it started and their mother lost contact. Nick embraces Luciana and apologizes, and they share another moment.

One of Oscar's people is with Alicia and Strand clearing out the hotel rooms. They open the door and begin. Outside, the others are starting fires with all of the bodies. Alicia acknowledges that these people have taken her mother's lead. They've finished one floor from the three hotels, but Madison notes that it is necessary.

As they look over the ocean, Madison apologizes for her lack of raising Alicia. Alicia assures her mother that she didn't do anything wrong. As the music picks up, Alicia walks into the water. She is examining the underside of the bridge as her mother calls. Alicia states that they don't have to put down the walkers and points to the riptide notice on the bridge. They realize that they can use these tools to their advantage.

At La Colonia, Alejandro notes that Nick was respectful to the gang. Nick admits he was more friendly than he wanted to be. They both note surviving sucks. Alejandro rewards Nick's hard work with giving him his own house.

Nick claims he doesn't need all this, but Alejandro insists that he has helped the community more than he realizes.

At the hotel, Madison has just outlined a plan for the pier trap. After being told she would be in the boat, Alicia insists she would be better on the pier. Alicia starts to cry as she tells Madison about the walker she thought was her mother. Madison says they will never lose each other, and Alicia leaves for her position.

Outside, the group is making noise at the zombies. Using her phone, Alicia plays music to draw them out. Strand is inside with Elena, releasing all of the zombies from their rooms. Madison is doing the same in the lobby. With pots and pans, they all lead a large group of the dead toward the back of the hotel. Alicia and Hector are late, and they worry the others.

The entire group leads the zombies out onto the pier, Madison remains the closest to the herd. One of Oscar's friends locks the back door behind them. Alicia and Hector run down to the beach and retrieve an escape boat. Oscar's mother-in-law watched from a balcony.

The boat is having trouble getting out, the water is too shallow. As the zombies near the end of the pier, the boat finally gets going. Many survivors have joined Oscar on the balcony, overlooking the action.

After Alicia calls to her, Madison drops her pans and jumps into the water. She swims to the boat, and the zombies all begin to follow into the water.

Nick is alone his house when there is a knock on his door. After he responds, there is no answer. He gets up and Luciana is at the door. She claims she is too tired to sleep, and he lets her in. She discovers Nick is studying Spanish, and he practices with her.

They both sit on the bed and talk about Nick's self-conscious image. Nick reveals he has a sister, and that is a surprise to Luciana. She says it is hard to imagine him with a family. Nick says he thinks she and his mother are alive, and tells her his father died before the infection.

The camera pans across an enormous banquet table, filled with food. Many of the hotel survivors are about to feast, but Oscar isn't present. His brother says he isn't ready for it. Strand asks for the number of the honeymoon sweet, and says he will return.

Oscar is waiting outside of the suite when Strand gets there. He asks Oscar if she is in there, and the man explains the story of how he met his wife. Strand tells him he relates.

Oscar knows Strand is here to kill his wife, and he claims he won't let him. They both acknowledge that the situation isn't fair for anyone involved. He tells him it's not his wife anymore. He tells him death parted them, their vows are relieved.

Strand says he won't know what to do with himself, but he will become another person. Both men say they liked who they were with their partners, and Strand asks to help him. Oscar says her name is Jessica, and Strand then asks to help Jessica.

Music plays, and Luciana wakes up in Nick;s bed. He is on the floor and insists she stay and sleep. She said no, that people would look down on it. As she's about to leave, Nick asks if she is testing him. Without answering, she walks up and kisses him. The begin to kiss more aggressively and move off-screen.

In the hotel, Oscar rises and lets Strand into the room with Jessica. As he enters, you can hear her noises. The door closes behind Strand, and the episode ends.