In the world of adult-oriented animation, shows like Fox’s Family Guy and The Simpsons, Adult Swim‘s Rick and Morty, or Comedy Central’s South Park reign supreme. Yet here we are, basking in the presence of Final Space, a show whose following pales in comparison to any of the shows just mentioned. That’s what ultimately brings us to the fact that Final Space is the best damn show apparently no one is talking about.
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Final Space is a show stuffed to the brim with world-building, serialized storytelling goodness. It’s not something that you can hop into halfway through like most other animated offerings, which allows for an incredibly rich and elaborate story. Halfway through the first episode, viewers will find an unbelievably-large world rooted in science-fiction and over the course of the remaining nine episodes, co-creator Olan Rogers and his team chisel away at the surface, allowing a complex universe to unfold in front of your very eyes.
Tonally, the show really is unlike anything you’ll see on television. While it’s an animated series at its heart with a fair share of toilet humor that will result in a belly laugh or two, Final Space is surprisingly dark and gut-wrenching, evoking some tear-jerking moments that are most certainly surprising. Adding to the tone is this incredible animation style, which seems to mix traditional 2D cartoons with 3D computer graphics and real-life imagery courtesy of NASA.
And we can’t go too far into this without mentioning the top-level voice cast involved in this show, which deserves separate recognition in its own right. While Rogers voices the dorky, yet lovable protagonist Gary Godspeed and the always adorable Mooncake, A-list television mainstays like Fred Armisen, Tom Kenny, David Tennant, Tika Sumpter, and Steven Yeun each voice major characters in the show. That’s not counting guest roles from Caleb McLaughlin, Ron Perlman, John DiMaggio, Shannon Purser, Keith David, Andy Richter, Conan O’Brien, and Alan Tudyk.
As Final Space launches its second season this coming week, it’s certainly an animated property worth your time. At best, you’ll be left on the edge of your seat begging for more and at worst, you’ll consume one of the most unique animated properties to ever hit a television set. I believe that’s something you’d call a win-win situation.
Have you watched the first season of Final Space yet? If so, let us know your thoughts in the comments below or by tweeting me at @AdamBarnhardt to chat all things Final Space!
All 10 episodes of Final Space Season One are now streaming on VRV while the second season premieres on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim this Monday, June 24th at 11:30/10:30 p.m. Central.