Cartoon Network has announced a special livestream viewing party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Adventure Time, the popular animated series staring Jake the Dog and Finn the Human. The company will be showing four episodes of the series over on Twitch, back to back, this coming Sunday, with special guest Olivia Olson (voice of Marceline) participating in a live Q&A beforehand.
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More specifically, the Twitch viewing party will kick off on Cartoon Network‘s official Twitch channel, which you can check out right here, on Sunday, April 5th at 3PM PT/6PM ET. It’s unclear exactly which episodes will be included, but one imagines that it might be one of the four-episode arcs like the “Come Along With Me” finale, though maybe not! You can check out Cartoon Network’s teaser for the upcoming livestream below:
We’re celebrating the 10th Anniversary of #AdventureTime with a Twitch watch party Sunday at 3pm PST/6pm EST! Watch 4 fan-favorite episodes and hang out with @OliveOlson, the voice of Marceline! #ConnectedTogether
— Cartoon Network (@cartoonnetwork) April 2, 2020
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Late last year, it was announced that the series would return for new specials called Adventure Time: Distant Lands on HBO Max. Here’s how the four new specials were described at the time:
- BMO follows the lovable little robot from Adventure Time. When there’s a deadly space emergency in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, there’s only one hero to call, and it’s probably not BMO. Except that this time it is!
- Obsidian features Marceline & Princess Bubblegum as they journey to the imposing, beautiful Glass Kingdom—and deep into their tumultuous past—to prevent an earthshaking catastrophe.
- Wizard City follows Peppermint Butler, starting over at the beginning, as just another inexperienced Wizard School student. When mysterious events at the campus cast suspicion on Pep, and his checkered past, can he master the mystic arts in time to prove his innocence?
- Together Again brings Finn and Jake together again, to rediscover their brotherly bond and embark on the most important adventure of their lives.
The first two, BMO and Obsidian, are set to premiere this year with the latter two — Wizard City and Together Again — following. As of this moment, none of these have explicit release dates. Though, that “special announcement” that’s been teased could have something to do with it.
What do you think about the Adventure Time livestream? Will you be watching? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things animation!
Adventure Time concluded after 10 seasons back in 2018. Late last year, a series of specials called Adventure Time: Distant Lands was announced for HBO Max. You can check out all of our previous coverage of Adventure Time right here.