
American Horror Story: Delicate Episode 4 Recap With Spoilers: “Vanishing Twin”

Anna gets good news about her pregnancy in Episode 3.

Last week on American Horror Story: Delicate, Anna became convinced that she is still pregnant despite having appeared to have suffered a miscarriage previously after she began exhibiting some unusual symptoms. However, despite that happy possibility, things have gotten more unsettling than ever — including someone communicating with Anna via her online calendar telling her that they’re trying to warn her and that her baby isn’t dead. This week, Anna might just get her good news confirmed, but her career is also in crisis and things just get more complicated from here. Here’s what happened in this week’s episode, “Vanishing Twin”.

Spoilers for American Horror Story: Delicate, “Vanishing Twin” bound from this point on. Only read on if you really want to know.

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What Happens in American Horror Story: Delicate Episode 4?

England 1555. The queen is giving birth and her sister arrives and demands to be let in. It quickly becomes apparent that something is horribly wrong and the queen says the baby is a monster. Dark figures emerge from the shadows and tell Mary that it is time. They take the baby and says he has waited over 6000 years to be born. They say that Mary promised them the child in exchange for a prosperous reign. When Elizabeth says she won’t promise anything, they tell her she will be barren and she falls down in pain. The figures vanish and Mary demands Elizabeth leave.

Back in the present, Anna confronts Dex about Sonia. He explains it away and Anna tells him that she and Kamal saw Preecher in town. Dex agrees to go with her to the doctor the next day. Anna goes into the house, carrying the corpse of the animal outside and is confronted by Nicolette, but Anna dismisses her. Anna brings the animal down to the basement and puts it in a bassinette, treating it like a baby. A black cat startles her but then leaves through a window. Anna starts to go upstairs but hears something in the basement and turns back only for it to be nothing. 

Anna goes to see Siobhan where she meets the Ashleys — who appear to be the same women from 1555. They’re introduced as being there for crisis PR and have worked for some major clients. They want to create a viral Reel for her to rehab her image. Anna is hesitant. Back in her own home, there’s a new security system and Dex’s mother is there unexpectedly. She speaks to Dex privately and asks him to testify on her behalf in a lawsuit against his father.  Alone, Anna starts noticing that her hair is falling out and then rage stomps the broken mirror.

At the doctor, despite the doctor being dismissive of her symptoms he soon finds the heartbeat. The baby is fine. The doctor explains things as being vanishing twin syndrome. Anna and Dex both question this but the doctor dismisses them and leaves them to celebrate their good news. On the way out, Anna sees the woman, Nurse Ivy, again, but Dex is unable to locate her.

Siobhan is having an affair with the director of Anna’s film. She reminds him that he can’t tell anyone about how he got the idea for the film. Anna ends up doing the viral Reel — about female body autonomy — and it’s a hit. Dex has lunch with his mother and they talk about abortion and kids. His mom doesn’t really approve of them having a family. His mother has also been doing recovery of memories about ritual satanic abuse and she claims his father was in on it which is why she’s suing him.

Back at Talia’s house, Nicolette congratulates Anna on being pregnant but it’s a little weird. Flowers were also delivered with a creepy card that says, “you can’t trust any of them”. That night, Anna can’t sleep and gets up to get a snack. She again finds the photo of Dex with his late wife but imagines it is Sonia instead. She eats a pint of ice cream and a jar of pickles then goes into the basement and tries to open the door down there but can’t. She falls backwards and hits her head. When she wakes up, she goes to the bassinette she put the dead animal in.  She notices her gums starting to bleed again. As she’s listening to the Golden Globe nominations — and she’s nominated — she starts eating the dead animal.

American Horror Story: Delicate airs Wednesdays on FX.