Netflix Releases 'Black Mirror' Teaser Announcing Season 5 Renewal

Is there a new season of Black Mirror on the way??Loved by both fans and critics, it's safe to say [...]

Is there a new season of Black Mirror on the way??

Loved by both fans and critics, it's safe to say that the terrifying sci-fi anthology series known as Black Mirror is a bonafide hit for Netflix. So when the streaming giant announces that the show has been renewed for a fifth season, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

In typical Black Mirror fashion, Netflix announced that renewal on Monday morning with a cryptic new teaser video on Twitter.

The teaser, which you can watch above, features a grid of TV screens playing Black Mirror's most talked about episodes. This includes "The Entire History of You," "White Christmas," "USS Calister," and the Emmy-winning "San Junipero," among others.

Of course, as you'd probably guess, this teaser includes several nods, easter eggs, and callbacks to various Black Mirror episodes. The most noticeable is the content of the teaser itself. If you recall, the Season 4 episode "Black Museum" featured references to just about every episode in the history of the series. This teaser was a bit of a nod to that entire installment.

There is also the final message of the teaser to consider. Rather than saying "Black Mirror will return," or "Coming soon," the last words of the video are much more ominous. As the Netflix logo comes across the screen, the text reads, "Be Right Back." This is the title of the Season 2 episode starring Hayley Atwell and Domhnall Gleeson.

Unfortunately, at this time, a premiere date and episode count have yet to be revealed. Still, even if the new season is a long way off, it's nice to know that Black Mirror will be back for another round sometime in the future.

The fourth season of Black Mirror was released in late 2017, and consisted of six episodes. All four seasons, 19 episodes in all, are currently streaming on Netflix.

Are you excited for a new season of Black Mirror? Let us know in the comments below!