Doctor Who: Amy Pond and Rory Williams Return in New Scene Written by Neil Gaiman

Doctor Who has been doing its best to keep its fans calm and entertained during the coronavirus [...]

Doctor Who has been doing its best to keep its fans calm and entertained during the coronavirus epidemic. Current star Jodie Whittaker got into character as the Doctor to deliver an encouraging message to fans. Russell T. Davies released previously unseen content during a rewatch of "Rose," the 2005 episode that launched the new era of Doctor Who. Former showrunner Steven Moffat wrote a brand new short story that was released for free online. And now two beloved Doctor Who companions are back in action for today's rewatch of the Neil Gaiman-written episode of Doctor Who titled "The Doctor's Wife."

Ahead of the rewatch, a new introductory scene titled "Rory's Story" was released online. Gaiman wrote the scene, which sees Arthur Darvill reprising his role as Rory Williams. The scene takes place after Rory and his wife, Amy Pond, are sent back in time by the Weeping Angels in the episode "The Angels Take Manhattan." It seems Rory has been writing his life's story, including all of the adventures he and Amy had with the Doctor. In addition, he's been dictating event for his soon to be adopted son, Antony, on the only working smartphone in 1946. In the video, Rory reflects on how people survived World War II, with a message that seems relevant to those dealing with the COVID-19 crisis today:

"Even knowing how the war would turn out, I'm glad it's finally over. I'm mostly impressed by people. They can get through so much just by being brave and optimistic and resilient."

He also goes on to recap some of the events leading up to "The Doctor's Wife," setting the stage for those about to watch the episode at home. "In previous chapters, I've talked about how I met your mum at school about 43 years from now, how we got engaged, how I was killed by an old lady alien but it was a dream, then how I was killed by a Silurian and stopped existing completely, how I was a plastic Centurion waiting for your mum for about 2000 years then how the universe ended and I died again. Then we got married. Then I was shot on a dam, and then I drowned but I was rescued by a mermaid and your mum gave me CPR, which brings to the chapter that follows in which your mum had to deal with me getting very old and angry and, well, dead."

In reference to a joke from the episode, Rory refers to the chapter as "The Pretty One" rather than "The Doctor's Wife." He also refers to it being a part of his and Amy's adventures with Antony's "future brother-in-law," referring to the fact that their biological daughter, River Song, marries the Doctor. Karen Gillan can then be heard reprising her role as Amy off-screen to shout at Rory to come and give her a hand with painting Antony's room. You can watch the scene above.

What do you think of Rory and Amy's return? Let us know in the comments.