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Game of Thrones Theory Suggests Dragons Are Reincarnated Targaryens

The world of Game of Thrones is a brutal and unforgiving place, filled with political machinations […]

The world of Game of Thrones is a brutal and unforgiving place, filled with political machinations and backstabbing schemes as many seek power over the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. But there is a bit of mystery and magic working in the background, especially when it comes to Daenerys Targaryen‘s three dragons.

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In the lore of the series, dragons haven’t been seen for centuries and the last of the creatures were small and sickly before their race was thought to be extinct. And only Targaryen’s, the dynasty of rulers from old Valyria, are able to ride these dragons. Daenerys and Jon Snow, because of their Targaryen blood, are the only two characters we know are capable of dragon riding โ€” other than the Night King, of course, who has a mastery over all formerly living creatures.

Other fan theories have suggested that Dany’s husband Khal Drogo could be the soul housed inside Drogon, one of her three dragons. Drogo was injured and then poisoned by a witch. Dany, too trusting of the witch, made a bargain to save him by trading the life of her unborn child, though it was a bargain she was unclear of when she made the deal. The child was stillborn and Drogo became a vegetable, and Dany was left without a husband or an heir.

Dany received her dragons when they were seemingly dead eggs, more decorative and valuable relics than embryos needing to be nurtured. But Daenerys also had a gift of being unable to be burned by fire, a rare trait even among the Targaryen bloodline. She sat in the fire of her husband’s funeral pyre with the eggs, which caused them to catch and brought the dragons to life.

The show has not explained how this occurred, where the eggs actually came from, and what kind of magic was in the works. After they were born, a bright red comet scorched the sky, and the Wildling caretaker Osha said that the phenomenon was an omen of dragons returning to the world without knowledge of their birth.

A theory from Collider’s Donna Dickens suggests that the Drogon’s soul does not come from Khal Drago, but from Dany’s stillborn child who would also have been of Targaryen blood. This idea makes sense in the context of her relationship with Drogon, which would contain the soul of her son Rhaego.

This would also explain Jon Snow’s own connection with the dragon he has started riding, Rhaegal. Jon is actually Aegon Targaryen IV, the true born son of Rhaegar Targaryen and the name sake of Daenerys’ dragon.

The series has yet to explicitly explain the lore behind this idea, but they do make sense in the context of the source material. Author George R.R. Martin has offered a lot of clues in his texts, and those clues continue to pop up in the TV series.

Maybe we’ll find out more about the Targaryen’s connections to their dragons as the final season of Game of Thrones continues on HBO.


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