Game of Thrones Showrunners Were Actually in the Same Scene With the Infamous Starbucks Coffee Cup

Game of Thrones is once again mired in controversy this week - but ironically enough, this time [...]

Game of Thrones is once again mired in controversy this week - but ironically enough, this time the controversy is about something that fans *could* see in the episode, rather than over what they couldn't. In case you haven't heard the outcry over social media, Game of Thrones season 8 episode 4's big party sequence came with a major visual error that completely shatters the illusion the show's fantasy world: a Starbucks coffee cup spotted in the halls of Winterfell.

Well, this little unintended bit of Starbucks product placement isn't the only thing that Game of Thrones will be going in on: The fact that showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are in also in the offending scene will only make the backlash that much worse!

As you can see in the photos above, some eagle-eyed viewers spotted Weiss and Benioff amongst the crowd of Wildlings who gathered 'round to watch Tormund Giantsbane's drunken praise of Jon Snow. The infamous coffee cup appears during that same exchange between Tormund and Jon - you can spot it stationed on the table in front of Emilia Clarke's Daenery's Tagaryen, as Dany looks on with disapproval at how Jon is quickly becoming the favored leader of the country she wants to rule.

Some people might look at the this situation with the Starbucks cup and think to themselves, 'What's the big deal?' Granted, it's just a small moment from a massive episode - and a detail that most viewers didn't even notice. Heck, having the two Game of Thrones showrunners appear in that same scene is a detail that a lot of viewers missed, so it doesn't seem like a coffee cup would be all that distracting. In fact, if not for social media likes and shares, it probably wouldn't even be a story, at all. At the same, a production like Game of Thrones certainly had PAs, gaffers, set designers, post-production editors - and yes, even the directors themselves - on had for this big party sequence. It's ridiculous to think that all of them missed this glaring error and allowed to air.

Game of Thrones is airing its final episodes Sundays at 9/8c on HBO.


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