Matthew A. Cherry’s Academy Award-winning short film Hair Love is becoming an animated television series on HBO Max. The series, entitled Young Love, will be based on the Hair Love short with Cherry showrunning the series with The Boondocks‘ Carl Jones. Sony Pictures Animation will handle the animation for the 12-episode season. In February, Hair Love won Best Animated Short at the 92nd Academy Awards, a win that Cherry dedicated to legendary NBA superstar and previous Best Animated Short winner Kobe Bryant who died in a helicopter crash in January.
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Based on Cherry’s best-selling book of the same name, Hair Love tells the story of a Black father, Stephen, who learns how to do his daughter Zuri’s hair with it revealed as the story goes along that Zuri’s mother Angela — who makes and narrates instructional hair styling videos — is in the hospital having undergone treatment for cancer. In Young Love, the story will further explore the Young family — Stephen and Angela as well as daughter Zuri and family cat Rocky — as they juggle careers, marriage, parenthood, social issues, and multi-generational dynamics all while striving to make a better life for themselves.
.@HBOMax greenlights animated series Young Love, based on the Academy Award-winning short film #HairLove from creator @MatthewACherry and @SonyAnimation:
— HBO Max PR (@HBOMaxPR) July 7, 2020
“I am beyond excited to continue telling the story of Stephen, Angela and Zuri and further explore the family dynamics of a young Black millennial family we established in our short film Hair Love as an animated series,” Cherry said in a statement. “Couldn’t ask for better partners in Sony Pictures Animation and HBO Max in helping us get Young Love out to the world.”
According to senior vice president original animation at HBO Max Billy Wee, the streamer is excited to add the series to its lineup as Hair Love continues to resonate with audiences of all ages.
“Hair Love struck a chord that is still resonating deeply with audiences of all ages,” Wee said in a statement. “Matthew and Sony Animation’s creative voices are a welcomed addition to the HBO Max family and we can’t wait to bring this joyous story to the world.”
“It’s a privilege to continue our partnership with Matthew Cherry, who has a gift for tapping into meaningful stories that touch our hearts,” Executive Vice President Creative at Sony Pictures Animation Karen Rupert Toliver said. “I personally can’t wait to collectively laugh and cry with the Young family.”
Are you excited for the Hair Love series adaptation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.