One of Netflix’s newest documentary series has arrived and in a rare move the show has a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes. Already holding the intriguing title of Pepsi, Where’s My Jet? the series tells the true tale of the time a college student met the challenge to cash in Pepsi Points for a fighter jet. Though only six reviews for the series have been published so far, the review aggregator has given it a Fresh Tomato icon and confirmed its 100% rating when you visit its page. Here’s what people are saying about the new series:
Videos by awarded the series a three out of four rating, writing that it “not only playfully unpacks the details of what went wrong but digs deeper to get at the core of why false advertising matters.” Ready Steady Cut called the series “part Cola wars and part millennial Mad Men while being absurdly addictive,” but stamping it with a three out of five rating. Finally, Decider said the series is “goofy and silly, but it’s definitely illustrative of what could happen if even companies as big as PepsiCo and their advertising firm don’t close as many loopholes as possible.” Check out the trailer for the series below.
Netflix’s official description for the new series reads as follows: “The year was 1996, and the cola wars were raging. Despite Pepsi’s celeb-soaked advertisements, Coke still held the bigger market share, so the second-place brand decided to roll out their biggest campaign ever: Called ‘Pepsi Stuff,’ it featured a soon-to-be infamous commercial implying that if you just bought enough of their products, you could use ‘Pepsi Points’ to purchase sunglasses, leather jackets… and maybe a Harrier jet? Pepsi execs assumed the astronomical ‘price’ of the military plane was set high enough to indicate it was a joke, but college student John Leonard saw it as a challenge, and decided to call their bluff.”
“Enlisting the help (and funding) of mountaineering buddy Todd Hoffman, Leonard hashed out a plan to score the grandest prize of all – even if it never existed in the first place. Shot in a rollicking, irreverent style and soaked in the music and culture of the mid-’90s, Pepsi, Where’s My Jet? sits down with Leonard, Hoffman, the commercial’s creative team, and a truly unexpected cast of tangentially-involved public figures to tell the legendary tale of the kid who sued Pepsi for a fighter jet, and became the hero of a new generation.”