'Riverdale' Recap With Spoilers: "Chapter Twenty-Five: The Wicked and The Divine"

Archie runs errands for Hiram. He walks in to see Veronica getting fitted in her confirmation [...]

Archie runs errands for Hiram. He walks in to see Veronica getting fitted in her confirmation dress.

She explains what the ceremony is as Hiram walks in. He admires Veronica and her dress.

Keller visits FP and Jughead, asking them once again if they have anything to do with the Pickens statue's head being missing. Jughead accuses Keller of caring more about finding the vandal than finding the Black Hood.

Betty takes part in a webcam session, dressed in her Dark Betty outfit. Alice knocks on the door, and Betty quickly changes clothes.

Veronica invites her friends to her confirmation ceremony. Jughead and Betty are called to the principal office.

Weatherbee confronts Jughead and Betty about the article, and reveals that Hiram's lawyer is suing for defamation. He bans both of them from the Blue and Gold.

Jughead and Betty clean out the Blue and Gold. Jughead complains about him being interrogated by Keller, and Betty explains that he seems to be doing it for Toni. She mentions that she saw Jughead and Toni at Pop's, and Jughead explains that they did have a romantic connection.

Veronica finds a confirmation present from the St. Clairs. She tells Hermione to get rid of it. Hermione then asks Veronica about the visit Archie paid Nick.

Archie talks to Pop, who refers to Hiram as "the boss." Archie asks what that means, but is called away -- by Agent Adams.

Adams asks Archie about the confirmation, and further asks Archie to spy on the event as well as on whatever other family members arrive.

Keller delivers an eviction notice to FP and Jughead's trailer as well as the rest of the trailer park. Jughead confronts Keller about it, but he says its an order from the mail office.


Sierra and Josie arrive at the Lodges' house, apologizing for what happened at Pickens Day. Veronica forgives them, inviting both of them to her confirmation. Josie offers to sing at the confirmation, and Veronica agrees to do a duet.

FP addresses the Serpents at the Whyte Wyrm. He asks if anyone was responsible for the statue being decapitated, and Tall Boy accuses Jughead.

Hiram confronts Archie about the attack on Nick. He says that he's impressed by Archie doing that. He then asks Archie to help with a poker game at Pop's the night before Veronica's confirmation. Archie accepts.

Betty arrives home. She finds Ben -- a concession stand worker -- offering Chic a job. Betty mistakes Ben for one of Chic's clients, and Chic tells Betty not to invite any of her clients home.

Jughead confronts Sierra about what she's doing to the Serpents. He accuses her of being manipulated by Hiram, and she tells him to back off.

Veronica and Archie work at a soup kitchen. Veronica asks about the invitation to the poker game, and tells Archie to be careful.

Betty and Jughead meet at Pop's. He explains what's happening with Mayor McCoy, and Betty suggests that they investigate what happened with the statue to help make things easier.

Veronica confronts Hiram about Archie's invite to the poker game. He says he wants to see if Archie can prove himself, and possibly be officially brought into the family. Veronica says she's unsure about that.

Jughead arrives at the Whyte Wyrm to find Penny Peabody and the other Serpents. She reveals the scar she got from Jughead removing her tattoo, and asks for them to kick Jughead out of the Serpents.


FP and Jughead argue about Penny's ultimatum. FP says that Jughead will be the downfall of the Serpents.

Adams asks Archie to wear a wire to the poker game, but Archie refuses to.

Hal leaves the Cooper house.

Veronica goes to confession. She worries that she's leading Archie down a dark path. The priest doesn't really offer her advice.

Veronica and her family drink together. They ask about Archie.

Hiram holds his poker game. The other players talk to Archie, then ask about Hermione and Fred's past relationship. One player gets upset at Pop's food, and then leaves.

Archie goes to unclog the toilet, and overhears two of the players talking about Hiram. They debate whether or not to "remove" him from the operation.


Josie and Veronica sing at her confirmation. Veronica gets confirmed.

At the party, Sierra congratulates the Lodges on the ceremony. She then hands them an envelope, making them the new owners of the land under Southside High.

Veronica introduces Archie to her grandma.

Betty finds Jughead, who complains about the Serpent meeting. He explains what happened with Penny. Betty then gets a call from someone who says they have information about the statue.

Veronica and Archie dance at the party. Hiram cuts in. Archie spies the other businessmen in the corner of party.

Veronica tells Hiram that she doesn't want Archie involved in their family businesses. He accepts.

Jughead and Betty meet with a junkyard owner, who found the head stashed in an old fridge. They ask who dropped off the head, and the man hints that it was a Serpent -- probably Tall Boy.

Back at the party, Archie pulls Hiram aside.


Archie reveals what he heard between the other businessmen. Hiram thanks him, and asks Archie to return to the party. Hiram calls someone on his phone.

Jughead, Betty, and FP arrive at the Whyte Wyrm. They confront Tall Boy about the head, and he reveals that Hiram asked him to do it.

Veronica asks Archie about the conversation he had with Hiram. She asks Archie not to get too deep into Hiram's business, and begins to hint that he is going to completely take over Riverdale. Archie says that he doesn't want to hear it, and that he'll love Veronica either way. They kiss.

Jughead and Betty sit in FP's trailer. They muse about what Hiram has planned for the South Side. Jughead apologizes for how he treated Betty before, and she says she can handle it. She's about to leave, but Jughead asks her to stay. They kiss. Betty stops to tell him something, but decides not to.

Alice complains about Betty not being home. A man shows up, asking for Chic.

Agent Adams visits Archie. He reveals that one of the other mobsters had been shot shortly after the confirmation party. Adams asks what Archie knows, but he says he knows nothing.

Veronica opens the present from the St. Clairs. Inside it is the Pickens head.

Betty arrives at home. She finds Alice in the living room, frantically cleaning up the blood of the man that visited Chic.