SNL: Senator Elizabeth Warren Makes Surprise Appearance

Elizabeth Warren dropped in for a surprise appearance on Saturday Night Live’s opening this [...]

Elizabeth Warren dropped in for a surprise appearance on Saturday Night Live's opening this week. She visited Kate McKinnon's Laura Ingraham via satellite to talk about some political topics. The joke was that things kept getting obscured. Footage of her debating fellow candidate Mike Bloomberg was replaced with a video of her golden retriever Bailey making off with somebody's burrito. She joked that "I was the dog," in that equation. The silliness just kept coming with Warren getting the opportunity to make some of the jokes that SNL has been making about her since she began her campaign.

"We built a wide coalition of teachers, preschool teachers, middle school teachers and teachers' pets. And not only did I not accept money from billionaires, I got to give one a swirly on live TV. But now, I've got time to do a little self-care. Hanging out with my dog Bailey, prank-calling banks, drag-racing Subarus, avoiding Twitter."

As McKinnon slid back into frame, now matching the Senator. She offered her thanks for everything she's done. To which Warren responded, "I'm not dead, I'm just in the Senate."

There were other silly comments about the hysteria surrounding Coronavirus across the country. McKinnon's Ingraham made sure to get a Whole Foods joke in there.

"The left continues to wage its deceitful, dishonest and, frankly, gay smear campaign against President Trump," she began. Then she went to a clip of Vin Diesel in the Fast & Furious movies. She then joked that it was people driving to the popular retailer to buy the last bottle of organic Purell.

Things were handled a bit more delicately in a later sketch. The entire thing focused on a soap opera called In the Time of Coronavirus. An announcer came on first and told the audience that the performers wouldn't be touching each other. McKinnon and host Daniel Craig then got into a strong run of interactions where there were Kid N' Play-Esque handshakes using only dance moves. One of the characters even cloaked themselves in plastic wrap to keep the virus at bay.