The Boys: Jensen Ackles Teases Potential Soldier Boy Return

If the stars align just right, The Boys could be seeing another familiar face return at some point over the course of the show's upcoming season. During one recent podcast stop, Jensen Ackles—the actor behind the property's villainous Captain America knockoff—teased a potential return to the show. Though he stopped short of confirming Soldier Boy is, in fact, going to appear in The Boys Season Four, he did make sure to point out the character hasn't been killed off. At least, you know, not yet anyway.

"There's some things out there," Ackles said on the latest episode of Awards Radar. "I'm not allowed to give anything out, but we'll just say that Soldier Boy is not dead. Thank God."

Should Ackles return, the fourth season of the show would mark a sizable reunion between at least three Supernatural mainstays. In addition to Ackles and Supernatural creator Eric Kripke leading the superhero show's writer's room, Jeffrey Dean Morgan has also joined the show for the upcoming season. According to Kripke, talks with Morgan have taken places in previous years, though schedules haven't ever happened to work out until now.

"I absolutely have [had those talks]. There's one role we're already talking about. He [Jeffrey] has to, uh, we have to like coordinate. Because you know, he's on The Walking Dead, so he has another home. But we already talked about one role, and there might be a potential other that we're talking about. But we are, just this past week we were literally texting back and forth about trying to figure out how to get him on the show. I don't think it's a done deal yet, but the will is there, and we're both talking about it."

The Boys season four is scheduled for 2023, with the first three seasons of the series now streaming on Prime Video. The Gen V spinoff series is on the way as well, also expected to premiere this year.

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