The Traitors is finally back for its highly anticipated second season, featuring an entirely new group of contestants vying for their share of $250,000. This time around, Alan Cumming brought a group made of entirely reality TV personalities to Scotland castle for a game of deception and trickery. Season 2 consists of popular names like The Challenge‘s Johnny Bananas and Survivor royalty Sandra Diaz-Twine, but those new faces are about to get a big surprise in the form of a returning fan-favorite from Season 1.
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Peacock announced this week that Kate Chastain of Below Deck fame will be returning to the castle for The Traitors Season 2. The first three episodes of the new season debuted on Peacock this weekend and there was no mention of returning players, but a trailer for the rest of the season released by the streamer revealed Chastain’s involvement. Take a look!
Chastain will be joining the group as a player that is eligible to win money, but there’s no word as to whether she’ll be a Faithful or a Traitor. Her first appearance will come during the season’s fifth episode in a couple of weeks.
Additionally, Peacock revealed that Big Brother‘s Dr. Will Kirby will also be joining The Traitors Season 2. Unlike Chastain, Kirby is coming in as a “special guest.” There’s no telling exactly what that means, but he won’t be competing for the money like the other contestants.
The Traitors Season 1
Chastain was already a popular reality TV star from Below Deck, but she quickly became a vital part of the story in The Traitors Season 1. She was painted as a potential Traitor early on in the season, keeping anyone from really trusting her, but the emergence of other potential threats kept her from actually being banished by the Faithful. The Traitors kept her around as a shield for the majority of the season, and she was ultimately banished at the very last Round Table vote.
She became a controversial character in the castle after deciding she was sick of playing the game correctly and continuing to be a pawn in the games of both the Faithful and the Traitors. This led to several arguments in the castle, as well as Chastain openly throwing money away during a mission.
While Cirie Fields made off with the $250,000 at the end of the season, winning the game on her own as a Traitor, Chastain will likely go down the other immensely memorable competitor from the game.
Are you excited to see Kate Chastain return to The Traitors? Let us know in the comments!