Watchmen: Damon Lindelof Addresses Angela Inheriting Doctor Manhattan's Powers (Exclusive)

Watchmen fans were gifted the ultimate tease of an ending when the show's season finale faded to [...]

Watchmen fans were gifted the ultimate tease of an ending when the show's season finale faded to black before we officially could see Regina King's Angela walk on water. Confirmation that she fully inherited Doctor Manhattan's powers was never shown on screen in that moment, despite the story itself clearing setting up that moment that we all expected. In an exclusive interview with, we asked series showrunner and executive producer what it was about King's character in the series that made her the perfect candidate to take on the powers of the character from the comics, his answer did not disappoint.

"Very clever that you phrased that," Lindelof said. "I don't want to confirm or deny that she did in fact get Doctor Manhattan's abilities other than to say that she definitely opted in for them by eating the egg. But I think that, again, to kind of come back to the idea of not just comic book myth, but also very specifically Watchmen, that we get these origin stories. We want to know why these people put on the mask. Some of the most memorable parts of the original text are what we call the Old Testament where explaining how Rorschach became Rorschach or how Doctor Manhattan became Doctor Manhattan. We wanted to do the same thing for Angela. If this entire season is basically a conduit leading up to a choice that she is going to make to become divine, to potentially have omnipotence, we wanted to show her kind of go through a journey and primarily a journey of understanding herself."

He added, "I think we're all born with a certain pull. For Angela, the pull to enforce justice and ultimately be a law enforcement officer is something that she learns is a desire that was inherited not just from her grandfather, but from her father as well who also wore a uniform. This idea of explaining the costume that you wear and why you put it on and what it means to you, it's part of her journey, but then an equal justification for why it's time now to take that costume off and evolve in some way."

For those hoping that Lindelof might come back and provide an answer for that last question, the writer/producer has once again squashed any hope of him returning for a second season, but didn't entirely rule it out either, telling us:

"It took 30 years to kind of justify a continuation of Watchmen. Hopefully, it won't take 30 more. I really do think that there should be more Watchmen and soon. I just don't think that I should be the one doing it unless I'm like, 'I know exactly how to do so.'"

Watchmen will be available on Blu-ray starting June 2nd, you can watch it all now on the newly launched HBO Max.