WWE Suspends Adam Rose and Konnor For 60 Days

of The Ascension have been suspended for 60 days, in ordinance with their Wellness Policy. This […]

Via WWE, they announced the both Adam Rose (real name Raymond Leppan) of the Social Outcasts and Konnor (Ryan Parmeter) of The Ascension have been suspended for 60 days, in ordinance with their Wellness Policy. This means both have their second violation, with the third being grounds for termination with the company.

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In 2006, Parmeter as Conor O’Brien was scheduled to be part of the main roster via the ECW brand, but had his first violation for 30 days then, pushing it back and bringing him back to the WWE developmental territory Deep South Wrestling.

With Leppan, his first violation is unknown at the moment, but this couldn’t come at a worse time for both superstars. A number of big names are out with injurty, most recent Bray Wyatt in the Europe, and several NXT talents have been called up to fill the void.

This means the Social Outcasts are down by one, and the Ascension could be stalled all together if Viktor can’t make it as a singles star.

This is the first Wellness Policy violation since last year when Hornswoggle was suspended.