WWE SmackDown: Big E Returns, Celebrates with The New Day

WWE SmackDown opened up with Xavier Woods and WWE Champion Kofi Kingston announcing the return of [...]

WWE SmackDown opened up with Xavier Woods and WWE Champion Kofi Kingston announcing the return of Big E to WWE television.

The segment began with a man being brought out under a covering, but as Kofi and Xavier introduced him, it ended up being an imposter wearing Big E's clothing (which was way too big for him). After they said the guy looked like Big E had been put through a dryer, they banished him to the back.

At that point, the real Big E came out (wearing a knee brace on his left knee). They made their way down to the ring, which was decked out with decorations welcoming Big E back.

Big E got on the microphone and talked about how much he missed his partners, demanding to smell his partners (including Kofi under the arm). They noted that he's not cleared to wrestle but he's cleared to "sniff." He said he missed the fans, and his partners noted he's been great on social media while he's been absent. Hilariously, Xavier even mentioned his tweets mentioning Becky Lynch's mom.

After a brief mention of Lesnar winning the brief case, they talked about Kofi defeating Kevin Owens Sunday at Money In The Bank, with Xavier and Big E congratulating him.

The segment was interrupted by Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Sami complained that Big E has only been gone about six weeks, but he (Sami) was gone for nine months and didn't get any special welcome back. The New Day then sang that they got him "nothing, nothing, noooooothing."

Kevin Owens walked away in disgust as Sami got on the microphone and said that The New Day is just a distraction. He said all of their antics are just a distraction for the fans who have created such a toxic culture.

They built toward the Sami vs. Kofi match for later in the show, with Sami mentioning he was going to beat him "in front of all of these trash people." Kofi said when it's time to throw down, "we throw down." He said he would not only walk out on his own two feet, he'd walk out right through him.