Jake "The Snake" Roberts Uses Infamous Macho Man Cobra Bite to Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Some of the most iconic footage in WWE history came when Jake 'The Snake' Roberts had his cobra [...]

Some of the most iconic footage in WWE history came when Jake "The Snake" Roberts had his cobra bite "Macho Man" Randy Savage while tied up in ring ropes. And in 2018, when Roberts has performance anxiety, he rolls back that memory in order charge his libido.

During an appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience, Roberts recalled that moment, and jokingly (we think) said that it's better than anything Viagra could ever do.

"That was the best n—t I ever got. To this day, if I'm ever laying around with a girl and I'm having a little problem in the woodski department, you know, it happens at 63, I put the video on and instantly I'm kicking her ass, man. Oh, brother."

Rogan, like any human, couldn't tell if Roberts was being ironic, but the WWE Hall of Famer doubled down on his statement. Even more, Roberts divulged that infamous scene actually came to pass. According to Roberts, Macho Man wouldn't take the cobra bite unless he saw Robert be bitten first.

"'Macho' walks in and he's like, 'alright, brother. We're going to do it tonight, I guess, huh? That's the story going f—king around! We're going to get down and do it.' I was like, 'yeah, dude, it sounds great.' He's like, 'we need to take care of a little business first, though.' 'What?' 'About the snake…' 'Yeah?' 'Has he been fixed or not?' 'Fixed? You mean poisonous?' He goes, 'yeah, that might be the f—king problem.' I'm like, 'yeah, Randy, of course, he [has] been fixed.' He goes, 'maybe he has and maybe he hasn't! Stranger things have happened in the WWE. Somebody wants the 'Macho Man''s Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship title, you put a f—king poisonous snake on him, and the rest is history! Macho's dead and 'Snake''s the champ!'

Savage's theory made no sense to Roberts, but nonetheless he obliged the request.

"I'm like, 'dude, are you f—king -' 'Jake, I'm just telling you this. He has to bite you now.' I'm like, 'what?' He goes, 'if not, we've got to go at it right now, me and you,' and he's up in my face with his fists. I'm like, 'what the f—k, man? What the f—k is wrong with you?' 'Don't play [any] f—king games, Jake! Get the f—king snake out!' So I got the snake out. I'm like, 'you f—king psychotic motherf—ker. Any special place you want him to bite me, like my d—k?' And he's like, 'anywhere is good. How about the leg.' I said, 'fine.' So I got the cobra out, I pulled my pant leg up, shimmied him a little bit, put my leg up there, and he f—king bit me," said Roberts.

But that wasn't enough for Savage. He needed wait around and see if the bite was poisonous.

"[After] three or four seconds, he lets go. Macho's like, 'now don't f—king move! Don't take no elixirs. Don't take no antidotes. Don't take no pills.'" Roberts added, "'just f—king sit there. I want to see the poison go through your body! Are you f—king kidding me, man? And finally after about 10 minutes, he's like, 'well, I guess you're going to be okay.' I was like, 'I'm sorry I didn't make you happy. I could've died. If I'd had known you wanted me to die, I would've died.'"

[H/T Wrestling Inc.]