Shane McMahon, The Miz Capture Tag Team Titles At WWE Royal Rumble

Shane McMahon and The Miz captured the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships on Sunday night at the [...]

Shane McMahon and The Miz captured the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships on Sunday night at the WWE Royal Rumble in Phoenix.

The match itself started off rather chaotic, with the action breaking down from the onset. The Miz's father watched on from ringside as his son and the son of WWE's boss attempted to win the tag team titles from one of the most decorated tag teams in WWE history, The Bar (Sheamus and Cesaro).

Early on, McMahon was taken out by a Cesaro uppercut on the outside, leaving The Miz to fend for himself against both members of The Bar. This was shortly after McMahon had came off the top rope to the outside with a clothesline to Sheamus that got the crowd's attention

The champions took advantage of the mismatch against The Miz, working him over in every way possible as McMahon dragged himself up to the ring apron. They expertly cut the ring in half, and McMahon looked on helplessly as The Miz struggled to fight back.

The Miz was eventually able to get the hot tag and Shane came in, cleaning house and taking advantage on Sheamus. He set both members of The Bar up in one corner and climbed the top rope. McMahon flew off the top and went for the coast to coast drop kick, but Cesaro got to his feet and grabbed McMahons legs as he came in, turning it into the Cesaro Swing.

McMahon came back and locked in a submission, but Sheamus came in to break it up. The Bar then took it to McMahon with a double team White Noise, but Shane was able to kick out.

Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on his partner as The Miz came in and shoved him into the path of the kick. The Miz then hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Sheamus. This left Shane McMahon to climb to the top rope and he came off with an impressive Shooting Star Press on Cesaro, followed by a pinfall, to win the titles.