Samoa Joe Keeps US Championship After Impromptu Fastlane Fatal Four Way

It would have been a shock to watch Samoa Joe give away his hard-earned WWE gold on the first try [...]

It would have been a shock to watch Samoa Joe give away his hard-earned WWE gold on the first try — Joe put Rey Mysterio to sleep to retain his US Championship at Fastlane.

Joe wasn't originally scheduled to defend his title but WWE decided to combine a pre-show match (Mysterio vs. Andrade) with R-Truth and the US Champion. While each man would make a fine US belt holder, it's Joe who was just given the opportunity, and it's Joe who's rumored for John Cena at WrestleMania 35.

Barring a surprise, Joe will carry the title up until April 7, with Cena being one of the more logical names. However, don't be surprised it if becomes a multi-man affair.

While the dirt sheets say Cena is destined for Joe, R-Truth went out of his way to once again, sends a message to the 16-time World Champion.

R-Truth has been on a personal campaign for an interaction with Cena, but Mr. Hustley, Loyalty, and Respect is off filming a movie. But Joe also laid out some Cena bait this week right after winning the US Championship.

"I'm sure as hell not a man who loves John Cena," began Joe. "Hustle, loyalty, and respect? No, no, no. All my opponents will find is disrespect for any man who has the audacity to come for the king and his crown. And to all you SmackDown Superstars who wanna lie awake at night, every night, having nightmares about the day you might step in the ring against me… rest assured boys, I'll be along soon enough to make you all go night-night."