Latest Report on Why Charlotte Flair Was Suspended From WWE Raw

WWE announced late Monday night that Charlotte Flair has been fined and suspended for attacking a [...]

WWE announced late Monday night that Charlotte Flair has been fined and suspended for attacking a referee at the end of this week's Raw. Obviously the suspension is a purely for storyline purposes, but many fans were confused about "The Queen" getting pulled from television one week after returning from a brief absence.

According to Alex McCarthy of TalkSport (via the Wrestling Daily show), the suspension storyline was written so that Flair could get some "dental work" completed. She is not expected to be off television for long.

Flair responded to the news with an in-character series of tweets on Tuesday. She has since poked fun at it while posting vacation photos with Andrade.

"This whole thing sped past ridiculous, jumped over absurd and landed right on stupid," she wrote. "The top two wrestlers in WWE having a classic match on the flagship show, and for what? To be ruined by a petulant child with Road Warriors cosplay shoulder pads."

They found one other thing as well: audacity," she continued. "The audacity to fine me. The audacity to physically remove me from MY RING and remove me from a building with MY NAME on the marquee. The fine? The suspension? Adam Pearce? All the same, a joke."

The former women's champion was also gone in the weeks leading up to WrestleMania 37. At first fans thought it was because of her testing positive for COVID-19, but Andrade revealed in a shoot interview that the WWE medical team mistook her for being pregnant and briefly had her on medical suspension prior to her COVID diagnosis.

"What Manny [Andrade] said about the pregnancy test in today's interview is true, but a significant amount of context is lost in translation and we'd like to clear that up as best we can," Flair's team wrote in a statement after Andrade's shoot interview broke that news. "A few weeks ago, Charlotte received a call from WWE medical telling her that her HCG levels had come back high and she was being medically suspended for pregnancy. That day, she took several home tests that all came back negative. A few days later, blood work and ultrasound confirmed there was no pregnancy. This was before any issues with Covid (she is currently medically clear)."