After a very good promo aired last week promoting her debut, former NXT star Bianca Belair made her main roster debut during SmackDown on Friday night. The “EST” herself faced off against Zelina Vega, who is also new to SmackDown after being selected in this year’s WWE Draft. They mentioned that the two had history due to Vega’s involvement in a storyline with Montez Ford on Raw previously. They also put over the fact that Vega felt disrespected as she didn’t receive much fanfare in making her return to SmackDown due to Belair’s debut.
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They had a competitive match, exchanging control early on. Vega even hit a head scissors takeover. However, Belair turned the page when she hit a right hand and picked up her downed opponent, dead weight, with a press clean. She walked around the ring with her and dropped her across the top turnbuckle.
Is @BiancaBelairWWE serving us the fastEST, the toughEST, the smartEST and the bEST #SmackDown in-ring debut of all time?
You tell us. ๐ @Zelina_VegaWWE
โ WWE (@WWE) October 24, 2020
LIGHT WORK for The #ESTofWWE!!! ๐ ๐ฎ#SmackDown @BiancaBelairWWE
โ WWE (@WWE) October 24, 2020
Belair followed that up with the KOD, Kiss of Death,and covered for the pinfall.