WWE Reportedly Wants SummerSlam 2021 to Be This Year's WrestleMania

WWE confirmed over the weekend that this year's SummerSlam will take place inside Allegiant [...]

WWE confirmed over the weekend that this year's SummerSlam will take place inside Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas on Aug. 21. Rumors of what WWE has planned for the show have been spreading for weeks, with John Cena, Brock Lesnar and even Cardi B being rumored for the event. To give an idea of just how big WWE wants the show to be, both @WrestleVotes and The Mat Men Podcast's Andrew Zarian released reports on Wednesday stating the company wants this show to be on par with WrestleMania 37 from April, if not bigger.

"After speaking to a few sources on the topic, I've learned that WWE is 100% attempting to make SummerSlam this year's WrestleMania," @WrestleVotes wrote. "'All resources will be tapped into' is how it was explained to me. I do believe they want Reigns v Cena to headline. Not sure if they've decided."

On the subject of Cena vs. Reigns, the 16-time former world champion spoke incredibly highly of Reigns' transformation into "The Tribal Chief" over the past year while speaking with Bleacher Report back in April. The two previously clashed in a singles match at No Mercy 2017, which Reigns won.

Roman is walking in his own steps, he follows in no one's footsteps," Cena said. "This happens every time a marquee attraction has moved on. I went through it, everybody said it with Steve [Austin] and The Rock and I understand that. But Roman is crafting his own path, and I think it's very important to say that he's doing a great job. I feel this is the best he's ever been and that comes with comfort. I don't know what got him over that hill, but he's over it and that's a very important one to jump over.

"I just went out there comfortable with who I was and comfortable even if I failed," he added. "Taking brave choices and those brave choices haven't stopped and aren't stopping today as I continue to try to challenge myself. Roman has hit that point and that is, for audiences, a beautiful thing. Now he's going to challenge himself and entertain the audience in ways they didn't think he was capable of."

What matches do you want to see at this year's SummerSlam? Could the part wind up being bigger than the two-night WrestleMania from Tampa earlier in the year? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments!