WWE's Edge Defeats Seth Rollins in an Incredible Match

It's been quite the back and forth between Edge and Seth Rollins over on SmackDown, and things [...]

It's been quite the back and forth between Edge and Seth Rollins over on SmackDown, and things ticked up another level during last night's episode, as Rollins sent Edge...well, over the edge and towards an old persona. Edge would bring back his days as part of The Brood, delivering a Blood Bath to Rollins on last night's SmackDown. That set the tone, and Edge followed it up with a full Brood return at SummerSlam, complete with fire, red lights, smoke, and shades. Once they got to the ring, they stared at each other for a bit and then finally locked up, and Edge dropped him with a hard right and a devilish grin.

Rollins collected himself and they locked up again, with Edge locking in a hold. Rollins got out of it but Edge hit him with punches that sent him over the top rope. Rolins was clearly pissed, and while he got some offense in Rollins was kicked out of the ring yet again. Rollins finally got some momentum by slamming Edge's head and neck into the ring post twice, and once they were in the ring Rollins continued to attack the back of Edge's neck with punches and chops.

Rollins was in full hunter mode, but Edge fought back with punches to the midsection, though Rollins hit a Sling Blade on Edge, doing more damage to his neck. He then set up for a Curb Stomp but Edge got to the ropes. Rollins went for a pin but Edge kicked out, followed by taunting from Rollins. Rollins caught Edge on the side of the head with a big knee, but Edge kicked out of the ensuing pin.

Rollins was confident, but Edge created some space with a big slam and a spear in the corner. Edge then dished out forearms and then put Rollins up on the top rope. Rollins hammered the back of Edge's neck with elbows and knocked him back to the mat, and then Rollins splashed atop of Edge but he kicked out.

Edge rolled under the ropes to avoid another Curb Stomp, and Rollins went to pull him back in. He put him up on the top rope but Edge punched him several times. They were both on top but Edge hit a Spinning Neckbreaker on Rollins, leaving both feeling the pain. Edge got to his feet and slammed Rollins' face onto the ropes, and then hit the Edgecution followed by a pin but Rollins kicked out.

Rollins then threw Edge's face into the turnbuckle, but when he went for a superkick he evaded and almost rolled Rollins up but he kicked out. Edge went to the top rope, something he doesn't usually do, but Rollins got the better of the exchange, running up and suplexing him and then hitting a Falcon Arrow, but it still wasn't enough for the win.

Rollins went for the Curb Stomp butEdge evaded it, and then reversed it into a Glam Slam, but Rollins kicked out again. Rollins then pulled Edge's neck over the ropes, but when he went for the Curb Stomp Edge rammed Rollins' into the post. Edge speared Rollins off of the ring and onto the floor, and he then slammed Rollins' face into the side ring panel, which killed it.

Edge set up for a spear, but Rollins countered it and went for a pin but Edge kicked out. Rollins looked frustrated, but he climbed to the top rope again, going for a Corkscrew Moonsault but Edge hit a spear and a pin, but Rollins kicked out.

Edge rolled Rollins into the ring for a pin but Rollins kicked out. Rollins then hit another punch to the back of the neck, and a kick to the head. Rollins then waited for the Curb Stomp, but Edge caught his footing knocked him down, and then locked in the Edgecator. It was locked in and Rollins reached for the ropes, but Edge dragged him back. Rollins reversed it and went for a pin but Edge countered and locked in the Crossface twice. Rollins got free but Edge slammed his face into the mat multiple times, and then locked in the Crossface Sleeper, and that was all she wrote, as Rollins tapped.

Here's the current full card for this weekend's big event:

Roman Reigns (C) vs John Cena (Universal Championship)

Bobby Lashley (C) vs Goldberg (WWE Championship)

Bianca Belair (C) vs Sasha Banks (SmackDown Women's Championship)

The Usos (C) vs The Mysterios (SmackDown Tag Team Championships)

AJ Styles and Omos (C) vs Randy Orton and Riddle (Raw Tag Team Championships)

Sheamus (C) vs Damian Priest (United States Championship)

Edge vs Seth Rollins

Alexa Bliss vs Eva Marie

Drew McIntyre vs Jinder Mahal

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things WWE with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!