WWE: Another Major Match Reportedly Booked for SummerSlam 2021

WWE reportedly wants SummerSlam to be the biggest wrestling event of 2021. The show will emanate [...]

WWE reportedly wants SummerSlam to be the biggest wrestling event of 2021. The show will emanate from Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas and will be on tha tail end of WWE's 25-city tour that marks a return to the road following the COVID-19 pandemic. The headlining match rumored for the show is a WWE Universal Championship match between Roman Reigns and a returning John Cena, but on Monday @WrestleVotes dropped a new report about another major matchup — Edge vs. Seth Rollins for the first time ever. "The Rated-R Superstar" has been out of action since WrestleMania, but is being advertised for the July 16 episode of SmackDown in Houston.

A feud with Rollins would match Jon Alba's previous report that WWE is looking to turn Edge back into a babyface in time for SummerSlam. Despite never wrestling the pair actually have a bit of history, as it was Rollins who threatened to cripple Edge in late 2014 in order to convince John Cena to reinstate The Authority on Monday Night Raw.

While Edge wound up wrestling both Reigns and Daniel Bryan in WrestleMania 37's main event, he confirmed in a media conference call days prior that the original plan was always for him to have a rubber match with Randy Orton following their 2020 matches at WrestleMania 36 and Backlash.

"In my mind, I still thought, me and Randy at WrestleMania, me and Randy at WrestleMania, me and Randy at WrestleMania, and that's what my working plan was the whole time, until I was told it wasn't the company's plan," Edge explained. "And I went, 'Oh okay, but we still got to see this trilogy through. We still need to do this, and I was pretty disappointed. I just felt like the story deserved that. So when I found out that wasn't on the docket anymore, I was like, 'okay so then what?' It's worked out the way it has, which is obviously very exciting."

"Look, I go from thinking I'm wrestling Randy Orton at WrestleMania, which is a dream, to wrestling Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania for the Universal title," he added. "That's a dream too. All the courses changed and that's just what happens sometimes, and you have to be adaptable. And as much as I get an idea in my head, 'we got to see this through.' I have to understand that there's more to it, and there's multiple characters and it's like a chess board...."

He continued — "A lot of it changed, it did. A lot of it was timing. I came back, and the Rumble takes place 11 years to the day from the last time I won the Rumble. And the second night of Mania is ten years to the day from when I announced my retirement. You can't write that stuff. So when you see that, you go, well, I guess that's the direction we got to go, right? Because that only happens once. You only get this opportunity to tell this story once."