WWE's Roman Reigns Takes the Crown on SmackDown

Earlier in the night, Roman Reigns added a major stipulation to his match with King Woods on SmackDown, saying that if he lost he would not only bend the knee to Woods but also would relinquish his Universal Championship and banish himself from SmackDown. When the match started, both Reigns and Woods felt each other out for a bit and then Reigns got a few punches in followed by a three-count of punches but Woods evaded them after three. He then got a few punches in of his own but Reigns escaped next. Woods hit a dropkick on Reigns next, sending him out of the ring and taunting Reigns a bit. Reigns looked annoyed and then Woods wouldn't let him in the ring.

Woods then went after Reigns and shoved his face into the announce table and then lit him up with punches to the head. He threw Reigns into the ring and then slid through his legs but he then met a huge punch by Reigns, which sent him out of the ring to the floor.

Reigns lifted Woods and slammed him onto the announce table, and Reigns took a second to celebrate. Reigns continued to be in control, rolling him back into the ring and punishing him with big forearms in the corner. Woods came back to life though with an elbow but Reigns stopped the rally with a hit that sent Woods outside of the ropes. Woods hit Reigns with a big boot to the side of the head and then and then followed it up with a slick DDT, and both men were on the ground.

Reigns then punched Woods but Woods came back with chops and punches until a kick from Reigns stopped him. Reigns went to lift him but Woods flipped over and caught Reigns with a punch and a heel kick, and he got a two-count on the ensuing pin. Woods got in another hit and went for another pin, but Reigns kicked out at 2. Woods went to the top rope but Reigns caught him with a punch. Woods came back with punches and climbed back up, but Reigns caught him and slammed him down, covering for the pin but Woods kicked out.

Reigns set up for the Superman Punch and charged forward but Woods caught him with a big kick and then he sidestepped a spear that sent Reigns into the corner. Woods got up top and leaped forward with an elbow but the Usos came out as he was going to pin Reigns and attacked King Woods.

They attacked him with the steel steps and that sent him over the announce table. Reigns then took a knee in the center of the ring as The Usos took Woods' crown and went to place it on Reigns' head, and he smiled as he stood up. It would seem they are the new Kings of SmackDown.

What did you think of SmackDown? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!