Daredevil and Sin City Actress Rosario Dawson Arrested at Protest Rally

Daredevil's Rosario Dawson was one of hundreds of activists arrested at a 'Democracy Spring' event [...]


Daredevil's Rosario Dawson was one of hundreds of activists arrested at a "Democracy Spring" event protesting money in politics in Washington, D.C. yesterday.

According to USA Today, Dawson was arrested after she crossed police lines with a group of people staging a sit-in on Capitol Hill. She was detained briefly and fined $50.

Following her arrest, Dawson was interviewed by The Young Turks, which you can see below.

"I wanted for me personally to be in solidarity with the other folks who put themselves on the line and just to bring attention to this," Dawson said. "We're putting ourselves on the line for what a lot of people across America and across the planet really want to be able to see happen in America, which is one person one vote."

Dawson has spent much of the last few weeks traveling the country, speaking on behalf of Democratic Presidential nomine Bernie Sanders.