D&D Encounters: Elemental Evil Begins, Free Player's Companion Available

Today marks the beginning of Dungeons & Dragon Encounters: Elemental Evil, the next season of [...]

Players Companion

Today marks the beginning of Dungeons & Dragon Encounters: Elemental Evil, the next season of Wizards of the Coast's popular in-store gaming program.

Encounters Logo

For the new season, Wizards of the Coast released the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, a free PDF supplement to the Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook. The Elemental Evil Player's Companion, combined with the Player's Handbook (which is also available, in part, for free online)provides everything players need to create elemental-powered heroes tied directly to the storyline of the new Encounters season.

The Elemental Evil Player's Companion allows player to create characters that are fireball-tossing Genasi with crimson skin or a tall Goliath druid that creates pillars of stone beneath his foes, among other options. The free Elemental Evil Player's Companion can be downloaded at DungeonsanddDragons.com and DriveThruRPG

In Dungeons & Dragons Encounters: Elemental Evil, players will face the threat of four cults dedicated to each of the elements. The Elemental Princes have sent visions of destruction to four prophets and it will be up to your party to uncover the insane plots behind the seemingly innocent cults.

D&D Encounters takes players through a portion of the Princes of the Apocalypse adventure, each Wednesday at Wizards Play Network locations around the country. The program is designed to let players devote as much time to the campaign as they see fit, be it every single week or just whenever they have the time, with no penalties or commitments. It's the perfect opportunity to give the new Dungeons & Dragons a try.

Dungeons & Dragons Encounters: Elemental Evil begins today, March 18, at your local participating game store.