A man races down city streets on a motorcycle, joining a group of others, which only continues to grow. They swiftly zip by traffic. There’s five of them. They pull up to a curb, get off their bikes, and draw machine guns. They talk in a foreign language as they enter the building, shooting off locks. It’s Elektra’s apartment.
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Daredevil drops down and takes down one man with the help of a swooping in Elektra. He tosses her a gun, which she dismantles and sets aside. They take on the group, two at a time until the last man joins in, wielding nun-chucks. Daredevil gets double teamed as Elektra finishes her opponent and comes to his aid. They take down the gang and Elektra asks, “Hungry?”
Later, Elektra devours her breakfast as Matt insists she open up to him. He is mad that she didn’t tell him the Yakuza were after her. He wants to know the truth about everything going on but she mocks him and slurps her drinks loudly. She reveals that she didn’t know about the Yakuza being invested in Roxon until they showed up last night. Matt insists that this isn’t his problem, too, it’s hers only. He tells her to call the police or get a lawyer before telling her to leave a big tip, leave the diner, and get on a place out of of New York City. Matt says he’ll take care of the Yakuza if they’re plan consists of things larger than Elektra. She insists the Yakuza never left despite what Matt thinks. They only watched him take out their enemies. She wants to partner up with him. She’ll use the information she gained from Roxon servers to get to the Yakuza. Matt is only onboard if nobody dies. She has a rule, too: no sex. Matt is appaulled by her belief that Matt wants to sleep with her because he’s seeing someone else and he’s moved on. She says the last thing before the deal is that she gets to eat the pie which is on the table.
At the office, Foggy and Karen talk with an investigator. It’s Christopher Roth, the public defender on the Frank Castle case. He is claiming that the case will be open and shut when Frank Castle pleads guilty and receives the death penalty. With Dogs of Hell having been killed in Delaware, Frank will be eligible for the penalty despite it not being legal in New York. Karen refuses to sign off on her statement and Roth leaves. Karen claims it was a statement crafted by Reyes. Matt wants to defend Castle themselves. Foggy is afraid to stand up to Reyes and doesn’t want to defend a murderer to begin with. He insists it is a bad idea. Karen steps outside and Foggy and Matt talk alone. Foggy calls Matt crazy for defending The Punisher. Matt says Frank had a noble cause but Foggy is still skeptical, asking if this is about saving a man or saving a vigilante. Foggy tells Karen to grab her stuff. They’re going to the hospital.
At the hospital, reporters rush around hoping for a word with Castle. A nurse approaches them and checks their IDs before allowing them inside the hospital. On Castle’s floor, Brett questions why they are here. He’s been promoted to detective since catching Castle. They tell Brett they want to represent Frank Castle and it is in Frank’s best interest to have them represent him. Brett pulls them aside and tells them that if they go up against Reyes and lose, it’s career suicide. They wish to continue and do, beginning with a search of their bags and person. Matt and Karen hold hands on the way into Frank’s room, where he is hooked up to an IV and handcuffed to the bed. Matt walks up to the line on the floor which Brett told him not to cross and talks to Frank, informing him who he and his friends are, and of their wish to defend him in court. Frank insults him. Matt offers free representation and promises it is for the right reasons. They want to know why the DA’s office wants him dead. Frank insults them again so Karen pulls out of photo of Frank and his family. Frank is now curious but Reyes storms in and kicks them out. She claims that Nelson & Murdock is out of bounds here but Matt insists they are better suited to represent Frank. She tells Matt to leave all of this behind and they can’t represent him with the conflict of interest of Grotto being Frank’s victim but Matt calls her out for deleting files and sarcastically says that she would be happy to disclose doing so when she files the conflict of interest. Matt concludes that he is willing to help Frank and Brett emerges to tell them he already did. Frank doesn’t want the public defender, he wants Nelson & Murdock.
Foggy, Matt & Karen talk privately in another room. They run through a game plan on representing Frank. Someone knocks on the door, it’s a driver, requesting Matt Murdock. Matt covers up the whole Elektra thing, reminding Foggy of “that new client.” Matt kisses Karen and leaves. Foggy is caught off guard which makes for an awkward situation. Karen walks Matt to the elevator. They flirt a bit before he leaves and agree to pushing dinner back to tomorrow. They kiss one more time before he leaves. Matt looks a little uneasy in the elevator.
Mett gets in Elektra’s limo and tells her she can’t just send a driver. She tells him to get undressed as they’re in a hurry to get to an event where an accountant of Roxon will be. She is after a keycard the man is in possession of. Matt concludes that security will be tight after last night and he wants to know every step of the plan.
Back at the hospital, Foggy counted almost 40 murder charges and Karen found almost 100 other charges. They head over to Frank’s room.
Foggy asks Frank if he’s going to plead guilty to the charges but Frank stares at Karen. He finally says, “I’m guilty,” but he isn’t talking to Foggy. He’s talking to Karen. He wants to talk to her alone. Foggy leaves.
Frank aggressively asks Karen what she knows about his family. She shows him a police report where an unidentified male suspect shot at cops. It claimed that victims were stopped at a traffic light when they were killed and the driver was critically wounded and taken to the hospital. Frank calls it “horse shit.” Karen questions why he was at the carousel. He is hesitant to help but she convinces him to do so. Frank talks about his daughter laying on a blanket when he heard a scream. A grown man was there. He found out later that it was Cartel, Irish, and bikers. He claims he should’ve seen it coming. He heard it and he didn’t do anything. His job was to keep them safe and he didn’t. Karen wants to leave but he asks her to stay.
Matt and Elektra walk into the fancy event. She loves his “stupid tie.” Other guests admire her and she takes her jacket off. Matt notices this. She gets him a glass of wine. They sip their drinks as a man approaches them and kisses her hand. He leaves and Elektra points out the accountant at the bar. They put their drinks down and approach. Elektra goes in for the steal but Matt hears a radio indicating that they are watching the accountant. She is up for the challenge, saying they need to get the accountant alone. Matt heads off alone with a glass of wine and he pours it on the man who was angry at first but upon seeing Matt is blind is quite forgiving. The accountant heads to the bathroom to clean himself up.
Back at the hospital, Frank tells Karen she was never in any danger when he was pursuing Grotto. He only hurts people who deserve it. Grotto once shot an old lady because she saw his face. Karen is skeptical of Frank’s claim that she was safe. He tells her that he is a scout sniper and if he wanted her dead, she would be dead. She questions why he asked her to stay. He is worried that the memories are going to go away. He hasn’t gone back to his house since his family was killed. He asks if she was in the kitchen and if the plates were on the table or in the sink. He asks her about the piano in the next room, telling her his son used to put cookies in the bench. She says she did the same thing as a little girl. They agree that getting away sometimes is good. She tells him that she went into the kids’ bedrooms and saw the drawings and trophies and toys. There were a lot of plastic dinosaurs and Frank knows those were his little girl Lisa’s who used to make noises when she played with them. The remote control Jeep was Frank Jr’s. He got it for his seventh birthday. Karen tells Frank that the family obviously loved him very much. Frank is at a loss for words. Karen fetches the photo from her bag and gives it to Frank who has a very hard time looking at it. He says, “Thank you, ma’am,” for helping him remember and welcomes her questions. She takes a seat with a notepad.
The Roxon accountant cleans his suit in the bathroom. The lights go out and the men are taken down by Matt, as is the accountant. Matt flushes their ear pieces before searching the man’s pockets and finding the card Elektra wants. He takes it to the top floor of the Yakato building with Elektra. Elektra erases the security camera recordings and puts them on a loop but Matt hears someone calling for security. They hide as a sweep comes through and head back.
Foggy tells Frank the death penalty is off the table. He even got Reyes down to one life sentence with a chance at parole after 25 years but she insists he is in general pop in prison. All Frank has to do is plead guilty.
The judge and others fill Frank’s room. They ask how he pleads and Frank is quiet. Everyone waits. Frank says, “I plead not guilty.” He tells Reyes he will watch her burn and calls her a witch. Reyes storms out.
Foggy and Karen are shocked by Frank’s decision. The press are waiting outside for them.
Elektra and Matt continue their search as the party rages on downstairs. The man who kissed Elektra’s hand stands at the bar looking for her. Matt pushes Elektra into a room as two security guards approach and continues after they pass. The man at the party questions where the accountant is and is informed he is in the men’s room.
Elektra leads Matt to a safe. Matt cracks the code and Elektra searches what is inside. She doesn’t find what she is looking for. She gets frantic and searches the desk at which Matt is calmly sitting. Matt hears something through the wall.
The security team finds the accountant in the bathroom and finds that he doesn’t have his card on him. The team on the cameras searches but doesn’t find anything.
Matt tells Elektra there is an eletrical current coming through the wall. It leads him to a plant on a shelf which Elektra discovers to be the secret way to enter. Inside the hidden room, Elektra finds the papers she is looking for.
The guards realize the cameras are glitching and send people looking for Matt an Elektra.
Elektra finds the Roxon ledger and Matt insists they have to go now. The elevators aren’t working. Matt tells her the men are going to see them. The lights go out and the floor goes on lockdown. Men rush up the stairs toward them. Matt and Elektra hide under a table and unleash a well-timed attack on the guards nearby.
The two rush down the stairs as men approach from below and pursue them. Two security guards are about to leave a they hear Elektra moaning from a conference room. They find Matt and Elektra on a table. As Matt gets dressed, the man holds a flash light to his eyes and sees no change. They kick Elektra and Matt out. Elektra acts drunk on the way out.
In the limo, Elektra reads the ledger. It has invoices for guns and drugs and human trafficking. She finds a page she can’t read which is written in code. Matt wants to know what they’re hiding.
The accountant is escorted into the man who kissed Elektra’s hand’s office. He criticizes the man for allowing his access card to go missing. The security guards who were attacked are quickly shot in the back of the head. Gibson panics and tells the man he has nothing but respect for the Yakuza but the man asks, “Who said I was Yakuza?”
Matt gets home and asks Foggy what happened. Foggy tells him that Frank plead not guilty and Reyes is going all out. Matt wants to motion to extend. Foggy tells Matt he doesn’t understand, that Frank agreed but must have something against Reyes. The people vs. Castle starts next week.