Transformers: Earth Wars Dev Diary Reveals How Fans Influenced The Game

The coming war between Autobots and Decepticons draws ever closer as Transformers: Earth Wars [...]

The coming war between Autobots and Decepticons draws ever closer as Transformers: Earth Wars comes nearer to release. While Transformers fans continue to anticipate the launch, is pleased to present the second installment of the Transformers: Earth Wars developer diary video series.

This installment reveals how fans of both the Transformers franchise and mobile gaming helped influence the development of Earth Wars.

"It was a bunch of Transformers fans and a bunch of gamers and YouTubers, and we were brought together to talk about this new thing that was about to happen," recalls Alex Valente, news admin for Transformers fan site, in the video. "It was going to have this cross-influence of opinions and feedback going into it. It was nice to see how they were filling in the blanks that we had, and we were filling in their blanks."

While developer Space Ape wanted to get feedback from fans and gamers, they also want to be sure that Transformers: Earth Wars is accessible to anyone with a mobile device, regardless of their experience with games or the Transformers franchise.

"I think we're doing our best to make sure that the newcomers, people who are not familiar with the [real-time strategy] game genre, can get into it, take it easy, take it slowly, and then slowly learn and develop their skillset to be the best," says game Adam Kramarzewski.

The video also dives into the creation of the user interface and visual effects for the game. Check out the full developer diary in the video above.

Transformers: Earth Wars will launch for mobile devices in June, so keep your eye on the Apple App Store and Google Play. In the meantime, be sure check out the first episode of the Transformers: Earth Wars developer diary, featuring Transformers writing legend Simon Furman, and look for the next installment on next week!