Christmas is the holiday where people often find that the desire for the gift under the tree on that special day, is almost as fulfilling as the moment they actually tear the wrapping off. From childhood to adulthood, wanting that special Christmas gift is a tradition that never fades.
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The same goes for Marvel Cinematic Universe characters. If you’ve ever read a Marvel comic book in December, you’ve been treated to any number of Christmas-themed yarns starring your favorite superheroes and villains tackling their version of a Christmas parable – with common holiday themes about longing, wishing, or appreciating life.
Taking our knowledge of both the MCU and the potential for holiday miracles in the Marvel Comics Universe, we’ve put together a list of what 5 of your favorite MCU characters would want for Christmas.
NEXT: What DC Characters Want for Christmas

Thanos – Infinity Stones
Everyone loves the person who is easy to shop for, and if you’re an enterprising villain in the MCU then your roadmap to a good, fun, Christmas is easy: Bring Thanos an Infinity Stone!ย
They’re laying all over the MCU, so take your pick and get stealing.ย Any villain who gets Thanos a Stone for Christmas will have the advantage when he obtains godhood with the Infinity Gauntlet.ย

Star-Lord – Christmas Mixtape
As one of the only earthlings zooming across the cosmos, Peter Quill/Star-Lord must get awful lonely around Christmas time.
Having seen the things he’s seen,ย Quill wouldn’t be impressed with some alien trinket; however, if he were to discover that his late mother had made him a Christmas mixtape, then Peter would be able to find the holiday spirit even all the way out there in the lonely stars.ย

Iron Man – Alien Tech
What do you get one of the most brilliant inventors and scientists on Earth? Simple: something that’s not from Earth!
Ever since the events ofย Avengers, Tony has been plagued by the nightmare of a another alien invasion, running his personal arms race to make sure Earth is ready to defend itself against extraterrestrial threats.ย
No matter what else may be occupying him, this is the top priority on Tony’s mind, so if the Guardians of the Galaxy or Asgardians were to Christmas gift him with somenew cosmic technology to reverse engineer, Tony would be a very happy camper.ย

Hulk – Suppression Serum
Bruce Banner/Hulk has tried time and again to quell his savage transformation – or at least steer it toward heroic ends – but invevitably, The Hulk ends up looking like a monster in society’s eyes.ย
For Christmas, Bruce would probably love nothing more than a serum that successfully supressed his Hulk transormation. Even if it was just for the day (or a few hours), the ability to experience all of life (love, passion, anger, hurt) without terror of losing control, would be a Christmas miracle.

Captain America – Dinner Date
Steve Rogers is a man who has been waiting to go on a special date with his special lady ever since the 1940s. Events in Phases I – III of the MCU have kept him busy, but inย Captain America: Civil ย War, he finally got a kiss from his true love Peggy Carter’s niece, Sharon (not creepy at all…).ย
Since Cap is now underground and on the run afterย Civil War, the holidays are going to get especially lonely. Luckily his new lady love is a top-notch covert operative; if Cap’s secret Santa could just sneak a message to Sharon, the new agent Carter would likely find a way to make Cap’s dreams of Christmas romance come true.ย

Honorable Mention: Spider-Man – Cash Money
Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is still a high school kid living in a single-parent home in New York City. There’s only one thing he needs for Christimas, and it’s an envelope of cash (…which is probably what RDJ’s Tony Stark is getting him).