Yesterday, fans got their first look at Atlanta star Zazie Beetz as Neena Thurman, aka Domino, in Deadpool 2 courtesy of a tweet from Deadpool himself, Ryan Reynolds.
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While the jury may still be out on Domino’s cinematic look, and fans will have to wait until at least the trailer drops to get a sense of what Beetz is bringing to the character, there’s no doubt that there’s a lot of similarities and differences between Beetz’s look and that of Domino in the Marvel Comics universe.
The most obvious is that Beetz is a black woman while Domino in the Marvel Comics universe is white. Literally, solid, powder white with a black eye tattoo over her left eye. Deadpool 2 flips Domino’s appearance by keeping Beetz’s natural skin tone and created a pale circle around her eye based on a condition that leaves melanin-deficient spots on a person’s skin.
Another big difference is the hair. While Domino’s hair has been long and short depending on the year, Beetz’ Deadpool 2 Domino does something entirely different by going for a full, large afro.
As far as the actual costume goes, Beetz is wearing a black outfit that combines small elements of many of Domino’s past costumes, and she has had many.
Since Domino’s debut in the early 1990s, she’s been a member of various teams, from the mercenary outfit called Six Pack to Cable’s X-Force, to Wolverine’s X-Force, to the X-Men, and back to being a Merc for Money, and most of those changes in team membership came with a change of costume.
With that in mind, we’re taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting Domino’s most memorable costumes. This isn’t every single Domino costume that has ever appear on a comic book page because Domino has had many short runs with costume variations that are mostly forgotten and irrelevant to the movie costume’s design.
To learn about all of Domino’s costumes worth knowing about, keep on reading.
Domino’s Original Costume
Domino’s costume when she first appeared was a tactical, mercenary’sย outfit with shoulder pads and pouches similar to Cable’s.
The costume was mostly a midnight blue color with a solid white cut out area on the inside of the legs. The pouches and other small accents had a light purple color.
It was later revealed that during this era it was actually Copycat who was wearing the outfit. She had kidnapped Domino and used her shapeshifting mutant ability to replace her.
However, it was also revealed in a flashback that the costume Copycat wore was very similar to what Domino wore in her days as a member of Cable’s Six Pack mercenary outfit.

Domino Returns As Herself
When Domino finally reemerged and Copycat was revealed, Domino took her rightful place alongside Cable as a member of X-Force.
Domino’s costume during this era was similar but different from the one she wore as a member of six pack, which Copycat had co-opted during her impersonation.
Domino’s new costume had a familiar midnight blue color. The white cutout on the inside of the legs was gone and instead, the bodysuit had ovals cut into the outside running up both of Domino’s legs and both sides of her torso, revealing her own pale skin.
Domino covered the bodysuit with pieces of purple armor, shoulder pads, a head dress, and knee-high boots.

Second X-Force Costume
Following the Age of Apocalypse event, the entire X-Force team got a new look, including Domino.
The new look toned down the armor in favor of a sleeveless costume with an open neck and an “X” emblem on the zipper. While the armor was gone, Domino kept the purple pouches and boots and added a pair of long purple gloves.
During the same era, Domino appeared with a handful of variant forms of the same costume in other series. One was a looser-fitting version with more armorย and completely open legs on the outside. Another was more like an intricate bathing suit.

Domino’s X-Force Return
Domino left X-Force for a time and when she returned she got another new costume that was much more like a traditional superhero costume and less like a mercenary outfit.
The costume was a more modest and practical midnight blue bodysuit that left nothing but her face exposed. No more awkward leg holes. The only remnant of her mercenary days were the pouches still hanging from her belt.
Domino also cut her hair to a drastically shorter length during this era, a look that she’s mostly stuck with until today.
The practically bodysuit look would be the base for most of Domino’s costumes going forward.

Domino Joins Wolverine’s X-Force and X-Men Security Squad
Cable’s original X-Force squad eventually disbanded. Domino had a few adventures in the intervening years, even joining X-Corporation for a time, but she didn’t really return to prominence until a new version of X-Force was formed with Wolverine in the lead.
Domino eventually joined Wolverine’s secret mutant killย squad, and during her time with the team she wore a variety of black bodysuits, sometimes with a grayish-white trim along the side to match the rest of the team’s color scheme and sometimes altered in various ways to meet the needs of the mission.
When this version of X-Force also disbanded, Domino agreed to join the X-Men as part of the security team protecting the island nation of Utopia. Her black bodysuit got two X-Men “X” insignias, one on each shoulder, for joining the team.

Domino in Cable and X-Force
Following the events ofย Avengers vs. X-Men and the end of the Utopia era, Cable had thought he wasย retired, but new visions of things to come pulled him into a new mission.
To succeed in that mission Cable needed a new X-Force, and that new X-Force included some new faces, like Doctor Nemesis, and some old ones, like Domino.
Domino took on a color scheme during this era that matched the rest of the team, black, and orange. Her X-insignia became more prominent and she often covered her bodysuit with an overcoat. She also began a romantic relationship with Colossus during this time.

Domino, Merc for Money
In the most recent era, Domino has more or less decided that she’s had enough of the X-Men’s dream and Cable’s fight for the future and returned to life as a mercenary.
This change in goals was accompanied by another new costume. The new look is mostly a return to her bodysuit from before the events ofย Cable and X-Force, but the suit now hasย solid blue outside cutouts.
For a time, Domino took over control of Deadpool’s Mercs for Money outfit, replacing most of his team with new members including Negasonic Teenage Warhead. More recently, Domino was working solo until she was targeted by Weapon X and forced to team up with Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, Warpath, and Lady Deathstrike to bring the organization down.

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