How The Pokemon Ditto Plays A Role In Detective Pikachu

There are a lot of oddities in the world of Pokemon. There are Pokemon that are ghosts, that are [...]

There are a lot of oddities in the world of Pokemon. There are Pokemon that are ghosts, that are psychic, and even a Pokemon that resembles a set of car keys. You'd be hard pressed however to find a Pokemon stranger than Ditto. With that being said, Ditto's role in Detective Pikachu is as strange as his appearance but makes for a flashy entrance all the same.

Just as a warning, exploring Ditto's role requires venturing through major spoiler territory, so if you'd like to steer clear, abandon ship!


(Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures)

Ditto is revealed in the latter part of the film as the true villain of the movie, imitating the "human villain" Roger Clifford. Roger is the son of Rhyme City's creator, Howard Clifford" and is revealed to be captured by Ditto while Howard's Pokemon does his master's dirty work. Ditto is also given a particularly exciting scene wherein he fights Detective Pikachu and Tim Goodman head-on by transforming into a number of different Pokemon. So yeah, if you're wondering if Ditto can transform into both humans and Pokemon, here's your answer.

Polygon asked director Rob Letterman about this twist and here was his response:

"It was a fun misdirect. It's a very unique Pokémon character, so that was fun to just drop it in. Those eyes are so weird and it was sort of a cool idea that kept growing."

Dan Hernandez, a co-screenwriter on the film, also gave his thoughts on the Pokemon turned villain:

"You have a Pokémon who can disguise itself! From early on, that was a perfect twist and reveal moment, just built into a Pokemon."

It certainly was an amazing twist in the film to see Ditto's beady eyes revealed on a human being and goes to show how much thought and preparation the filmmakers put into adding in surprises that felt appropriate for the world of Pokemon. Ditto typically isn't thought of as a villainous Pokemon but as you know, a Pokemon will tend to follow the orders and personality of their trainer with Howard being not the nicest of people himself.

What did you think of the Ditto Twist? Would you like to see the Pokemon appear in future live action installments? Let us know in the comments or feel free to hit me up on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.

Detective Pikachu is in theaters now!


Exciting news, Pokemon fans -- A Wild Podcast Has Appeared, the official Pokemon podcast of, is here! Check it out by clicking here or listen below.

On today's episode, we talk about how playing too much Pokemon changes our brains as kids, the new Pokemon Unbroken Bonds Trading Card Game set, Detective Pikachu coming to Pokemon GO!, and more! Make sure to subscribe now to never miss an episode!