Earlier tonight, horror actor Sid Haig‘s Instagram feed was mysteriously updated to say he’s been in an accident. In an update — or profile description change — from his wife Suzie, it was mentioned the actor had been in an accident and placed in the ICU.
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“SID HAS HAD AN ACCIDENT AND IS IN THE HOSPITAL IN ICU. EVERYONE PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!!!!!!!! – SUZIE,” the Instagram update read — and still reads as of this posting. Suffice to say, the news quickly spread, instantly causing concern among fans who instantly took to Twitter to share their well wishes to the ailing actor.
Keep scrolling to see the well wishes coming from Haig’s fan base…
Wishing Sid Haig a speedy recovery
— Svengoolie (@Svengoolie) September 7, 2019
The Soska Sisters
Sid Haig is one of the nicest, most genuine people in horror.
— The Soska Sisters (@twisted_twins) September 7, 2019
Just the greatest human being, praying for him and his family tonight. May he have a speedy recovery ♥️
We’ve just heard the news that our dear friend, Sid Haig, has been in an accident.
— FANGORIA (@FANGORIA) September 6, 2019
Sending positive thoughts to both him and Suzie. pic.twitter.com/aKMthdwv00
Graveyard Shift
We just heard that Sid Haig has been in an accident and is currently in the ICU per his wife Suzie. Graveyard Shift wishes the speediest of recoveries to our dear Captain Spaulding.
— Graveyard Shift (@graveyard_5hift) September 6, 2019
We’re all thinking of you over here! pic.twitter.com/sWBK3f3toY
Nightmare of Film Street
We hust heard Sid Haig has been moved to the ICU following an accident. Our thoughts are with his family! pic.twitter.com/H8KlpHfEf2
— Nightmare on Film Street (@NOFSpodcast) September 6, 2019
Dear friends … please send prayers and positive energy to our brother Sid Haig. I love his man so much … thanks pic.twitter.com/cynXVSs8L9
— Jason (@BuggleJ) September 6, 2019
Sending nothing but positivity you’re way, hang in there #sidhaig pic.twitter.com/U9LqCs50Ln
— vanessa staron (@t0xicaddiction) September 6, 2019