Cats Star James Corden Hasn't Seen The Film Yet But Has Heard It's Terrible

It's no secret that people are not enjoying the new Cats movie. Critics and fans are bashing it, [...]

It's no secret that people are not enjoying the new Cats movie. Critics and fans are bashing it, relentlessly. One might say: the claws are coming out. For James Corden, the late night host who appears in the film, knowing that the movie is bad is only something he possesses second hand. Corden has admitted that he has not seen the Cats movie but also admits that he is fully aware that apparently everyone hates the movie. Well, that's not exactly what he said, but it was along those lines. "I haven't seen it, I've heard it's terrible," Corden said.

The comment might be coming in jest as Corden tends to take a lighthearted approach to many things, hopefully still managing to find joy in being in a bad movie where he portrays a feline being that coughs up a hairball on another human-turned-cat-via-computer-graphics. The other cat was played by Ray Winstone.

The fun, candid approach is much better than the one being seen from musician Jason Derulo. Derulo appears in Cats briefly and has apparently seen it because he called it "incredible" and bashed the critics who are bashing the film.

Derulo, who has never been in a movie until Cats and appears in it very briefly, was caught on the sidewalk by TMZ where he opened up about his lack of interest in critics' work.

"Reviews don't matter, man," Derulo said. "At the end of the day, people are gonna go see it and it's gonna be a deportation into another dimension. It's an incredible, incredible, brave piece of art. It always has been that way. When it came out on Broadway, people were like, 'What is this?' It's something totally different. Any time that you defy what an art form is, any time you defy all rules, there's gonna be some pushback, obviously."

The film got a 1 out of 5 in's official review. Derulo stands by the movie. "It's an incredible piece of art done by some of the best people in the world. Tom Hooper's a class act and I don't think there's another director out there that's more classy than he is. I'm just excited for the people to actually see it because, reviewers, I mean, what the hell do they know?"

Did you see Cats? What did you think of the movie? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram and Twitter.

Cats is now playing in theaters.

(via Independent)