JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is no stranger to the world of live-action. In 2017, the bizarre franchise received a live-action retelling of Diamond is Unbreakable, which once again brought fans to the sleepy town known as Morioh. In Japan, the franchise from creator Hirohiko Araki is once again hitting the live-action realm with a musical stage play that takes on the first arc of the series, Phantom Blood. Now, the stage play is giving fans a closer look at its cast of characters and the slick apparel they’re wearing in the production.
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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has a long history in the anime world, with the manga first beginning in 1987. In the earliest storyline, Hirohiko Araki introduced fans to Jonathan Joestar and his eternal rival, Dio Brando. While not featuring any Stands, the initial installment was fit to bursting with creatures of the night and “Ripple” users that were the last line of defense to take down Dio’s vampiric hordes. Much like the manga, David Production decided to kick things off with the story of Jonathan and Dio, setting the stage for the Joestars’ journey to continue long after the initial protagonist’s demise.
Phantom Blood Actors To The Set
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has always been known for its wild apparel, as heroes and villains alike have worn outfits that you would never encounter in the real world. Unfortunately, the musical stage play hasn’t confirmed if it will make the leap to North America, though there has been precedent to believe the anime adaptation might head West in some form. Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away stage play might not have toured the country, but fans can check out this production on MAX.
Following the conclusion of Stone Ocean’s anime adaptation, David Production hasn’t revealed any plans in terms of continuing JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure on the small screen. Should the anime studio continue the Joestars’ story, it would most likely cover the Steel Ball Run, the arc that followed Jolyne’s prison tale in the manga. Luckily, manga readers have a lot to look forward to from Hirohiko Araki, as the mangaka is continuing the story of The JOJOLands.
Do you want to see the Phantom Blood musical make its way to North America? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.