Digimon has permeated a number of different anime installments, but it continues to add more video game entries into the medium of gaming, having recently announced that the second season of the mobile game, Digimon ReArise, is about to be released. The universe of the game, which is a role playing game, is somewhat of a meta one as you as the player is thought of as a part of the game itself, collecting digital monsters in order to save both the real world and the virtual one! With the second season announced, it’s clear that new Digimon and challenges will make their way to each player’s smart phone!
Videos by ComicBook.com
2020 is looking to be a big year for the digital monster franchise, not simply on mobile phones across the world, but also in movie theaters as the Digi-destined return to face a brand new threat in the film Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. With the movie picking up many years after the initial adventures of the young students turned Digimon trainers, the series is getting a fresh coat of paint that includes some bright new animation to help re-introduce the digital world to anime fans.
Twitter User JP_Excelsior shared the update that Digimon ReArise would be releasing its second season early next month, March 2020, expanding upon the world of the digital monsters that connects tamers with this virtual environment via their phones:
Digimon ReArise second season will begin in march 3 with the main storyline and a side story that will act like a prequel!!#Digimon pic.twitter.com/T7ifQoX2FC
— Digimon Tweets 🇧🇷 (@JP_Excelsior) February 20, 2020
The official description for Digimon ReArise reads as such:
“An unknown Digimon calling itself Herissmon has appeared in your smartphone. Suddenly, a mysterious force known as “Spirals” attack… This is the tale of your Digimon’s ReArise. Dive into a story of new faces and old friends in this Friendship Digivolving RPG!”
Numerous anime franchises have created successful mobile games of their own with franchises such as Dragon Ball, Naruto, Bleach, Pokemon, and One Piece to name a few. Digimon is certainly in good company when it comes to getting in the hands of mobile phone owners worldwide.
Are you a fan of Digimon ReArise? What is your favorite game based on the popular franchise? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and digital monsters!