Dr. Stone ended its manga run with Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine earlier this Spring, but the series has come back for a special new one-shot that takes place after the series’ big finale! Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi’s original manga series wrapped up its five-year run this year with the kind of ending that teased that despite fans not getting to see any more of Senku Ishigami’s adventures with science, that the Kingdom of Science itself would continue to develop far into the future with new technologies, advancements, and more of what fans loved seeing in the series itself. ย
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It was the main theme of the series overall, and fans got to see just a little more of that future in action. While the final moments of the series itself have a brief time jump that teased Senku’s next major goal would be building a time machine, this new one-shot chapter takes place after some of the ending. Featuring a crucial moment where Senku and the others need to survive after crash landing in the open sea, along the line they’re inspired to build towards the time machine seen in the finale. You can check it out completely for free with Viz Media’s digital Shonen Jump library here.ย
Dr. Stone’s new one-shot chapter takes place shortly after Taiju and Yuzuriha’s wedding (so before the actual final scene of the series as a whole) and Senku takes a bunch of them on a trip to mine for some new materials. On the way, their plane gets caught in the middle of a storm and they crash into the ocean. Soon Senku awakes and builds his way back to society piece by piece much like fans saw over the course of the series. With his ingenuity, knowledge, and strengths from his allies, Senku and the others make their way back to land and find the precious metals they need to move forward.ย
It’s the kind of epilogue that showcases why fans loved the original series so much, and why fans are excited to see the franchise continue with its anime’s future. The third season of the series will be premiering next year, but the anime will briefly be returning with a new Ryusui focused special episode this Summer. You can find the first two seasons of the series streaming with Crunchyroll while you wait.ย
What did you think of Dr. Stone’s special return one-shot chapter? How did you like the way the series came to an end overall? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!