This weekend, Dragon Ball Super saw its Tournament of Power get underway officially after months of preparation. The anime‘s ‘Universal Survival’ arc kicked off after Zen-Oh gave the go ahead, prompting 80 fighters to give it their all against one another. And, next week, fans will get to watch as Goku and Vegeta settle a score with one troublesome universe.
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The episode preview for Dragon Ball Super‘s 98th episode has hit the Internet, and it shows Goku in a bit of a bind. The Saiyan finds himself assaulted by Universe 9 as its warriors want to get back at the hero. Goku and other Universe 7 fighters like Gohan fought against Universe 9 during earlier exhibition matches, and the battles were tense. Feeling slighted, Universe 9’s wolfish brothers are out for revenge. But, as you can see in the preview above, Goku and Vegeta are ready to take on the opponents.
“Hey it’s me, Goku! The Tournament of Power is chaos from the start. I’m surrounded by enemies,” the preview states. “The Universe 9 guys are focusin’ on attackin’ me on after another! They got no openings for me. But me and Vegeta are gonna settle things with Universe 9! Okay, let’s do this Vegeta!”
The clip shows Goku going head-to-head against Bergamo as the brother lays into the hero, but Vegeta will turn the fight’s odds. Goku and his fellow Saiyan may not get along always, but the pair can always find common ground when it comes to fighting others. So, really, Universe 9 better prepare themselves to get knocked out of the tournament if they aren’t careful.
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The synopsis of Dragon Ball Super‘s current saga can be read here: “According to an invitation that Goku gets, Zen-Oh (Omni King) is starting a martial arts tournament between all the universes called “Chikara no Taikai” (Tournament of Power). But it is the beginning of universal destruction. Something awaits the winners and losers of this tournament. What will become of this fierce team battle between each universe’s elite warriors?
Dragon Ball Super‘s “Universal Survival” saga is part of the recent simulcast agreement that sites like Crunchyroll and Funimation have scored. Dragon Ball Super airs on Crunchyroll Saturdays at 7:15 p.m. CST. Toonami will begin airing the English dub on Adult Swim Saturdays at 11:30 p.m.
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