
Dragon Ball Super: This Crazy Buff Cat Could Probably Take on Beerus

Dragon Ball Super gave a lot of surprise gifts to fans, but few will ever beat the introduction of […]

Dragon Ball Super gave a lot of surprise gifts to fans, but few will ever beat the introduction of Beerus. The God of Destruction caught fans off guard as his arrival ushered in a new era of godly lore no one knew before. Of course, fans were also excited to see how strong Beerus was, and many of them try to dress their cats like the God of Destruction around Halloween. But as it turns out, there is an actual cat out there who might put Beerus to shame.

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Over on Reddit, the user Roylainey got netizens everywhere geeking out when they shared a newly resurfaced photo. The viral image shows a cute Sphinx cat laying on a bed while looking out a window. The adorable shot will have any cat lover feeling soft, but there is something a little bit different about this cat.

As you can see below, the kitty is very muscular and lean. The cat’s hairlessness makes it easy to see all their muscles flexing, and the Sphinx’s size is also impressive. The cat has a long torso and huge paws, so there is a good chance this cat weighs well over 15 pounds if it is mostly muscle.

This hyper-muscular cat is impressive to see, and fans were quick to dub the kitty Beerus in real life. After all, the Dragon Ball fighter is modeled after Sphinx cats, and he is insanely ripped. This real-world kitty is as hefty as Beerus is, and netizens agree they would not want to upset this pet should they ever be taking a nap. It is one thing to mess with Beerus when he isn’t in the mood, but it is another thing to cross a cat when they are sleeping.

Of course, this kitty is surely a sweetheart and has zero thoughts of destroying planets with a snap. Universe 7 may have Goku and Beerus, but Dragon Ball Super fans have this cutie. And if we are being honest, our pick is probably for the best.

Do you think this cute cat could take on Beerus? Is it time Whis turned their attention to train this kitty? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.