Dragon Ball has spent decades becoming a major force in the anime world, with the latest series seeing Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z-Fighters up their games while discovering a variety of new transformations. Shockingly enough, the Shonen franchise became so popular that it even has a Super Saiyan Blue Goku balloon as a part of the Macy’s Day Parade, and Toei Animation has confirmed that the main character will once again loom large to help in celebrating Thanksgiving in 2022.
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“Super Saiyan Blue” has been a major part of Dragon Ball Super since it first premiered during the fight that the Z-Fighters had against the resurrected Frieza in Resurrection of F, with Goku and Vegeta realizing that they needed to switch the name following the failure of their original title, “Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan”. While transformations like the original Super Saiyan came about thanks to a combination of strength and rage, and Super Saiyan God came about thanks to a gathering of Saiyans, Super Saiyan Blue was another story, as achieving this level simply seemed to be a matter of training as far as fans know.
Dragon Ball: Super Saiyan Balloon
Toei Animation shared the big news that Dragon Ball Super would once again return to the Macy’s Day Parade for its 96th Thanksgiving extravaganza, joining some other pop culture icons, though the showing from anime, in general, is quite small in comparison to the other North American cartoon characters:
Super Saiyan Blue hasn’t been utilized nearly as much as it has in the past during the Shonen franchise’s present days, as Goku has further worked on perfecting Ultra Instinct and Vegeta has dove into his newest transformation that he learned from the god of destruction Beerus, known as Ultra Ego. Currently, following the big fights that took place during the Granolah The Survivor Arc, the manga is on hiatus though news might arrive during this winter’s Jump Festa event.
What other anime franchises do you want to see become a part of the Macy’s Day Parade? Do you think that the Goku Balloon will one day be swapped from Super Saiyan Blue to Ultra Instinct? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Z-Fighters.