
Dragon Ball’s New Majin Buus Won’t Be the Final Villains

Dragon Ball Daima’s new Majin Buu siblings don’t seem evil enough to be the final threat…

Toei Animation

Dragon Ball Daima has kicked off the endgame for its new anime series this Winter, but it’s really looking like Majin Kuu and Duu are not going to be the final villains for the series. Dragon Ball Daima has sent Goku and the others on through a brand new adventure through the Demon Realm for the first real time in the franchise, and with it has shaken up what fans had previously known about the Majin Buu arc. The biggest of which was that there was originally a much different creator behind Majin Buu, and that it was possible to make another one.

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Not only did Dragon Ball Daima reveal the original mage who created Majin Buu, but also went through the process of making not one, but two new successors. Majin Kuu and Duu have demonstrated that they had abilities that make them fall in line with what we have seen from Majin Buu in the past, but it’s increasingly looking like they are not going to be the final villains either. They’re just not as inherently as evil as Majin Buu was either as the two of them just seem to like hanging out when not ordered by Dr. Arinsu to do something.

Toei Animation

Majin Kuu and Duu Don’t Seem Evil

Majin Kuu and Duu both had very different introductions than Majin Buu ever did. Majin Buu was initially a very intense threat from the very first moment he was on screen, and was such a chaotic force that it was revealed that even those in the Demon Realm were afraid of the creation. It’s something that the original creator Marba had wanted to avoid in a follow up creation, and thus had crafted Kuu and Duu with Dr. Arinsu’s help to make a being that was much more controllable. But as a result, the two of them just aren’t as threatening as they could (or should be).

Every instance we have seen from them outside of battle, they are usually seen just hanging out with one another and eating chocolate. They seem much more like the good Majin Buu that’s now a part of the Z Fighters, and Episode 14 even sees them mingle with the Gendarmerie’s Ginyu Force with a childish like delight. The two of them are happy to get the single bits of chocolate that they’re offered, and don’t seem to have the evil intent that Majin Buu had to eat as much of it as possible. They’re basically unbothered.

Toei Animation

Who’s the Real Final Villain?

But if the two of them aren’t as inherently evil or as threatening as the original Majin Buu was, Dragon Ball Daima is likely not going to have them as the final foes that Goku and the others need to face. That’s in their current forms, anyway. Dragon Ball Daima has been teasing that characters like Dr. Arinsu and even Neva have something under their sleeves that has yet to be revealed yet. That could involve the Majins in a unique way.

With Dragon Ball Daima previously teasing elements such as a new way of Fusion that has yet to be explored in previous episodes, this could bring the Majins literally together to form a creature that’s more like the original Majin Buu. But even if that’s the case, that would mean they’re still not the final villain but instead a tool that the real final villain uses for the final battle. It’s something Goku and Vegeta can face off against while Arinsu or another character enacts their grander plan. It’s just that now, the two just don’t seem like they’re going to be the final ones to defeat.