Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 97 First Look Released

Dragon Ball Super's manga shares the first sneak-peek at Chapter 97 ahead of its release.

Dragon Ball Super's manga is gearing up for its return with the next chapter of the series, and as a result, Dragon Ball Super has released the first look at what fans can expect from Chapter 97! Dragon Ball Super's manga is now working its way through an adaptation of the events from the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, but what made it different from the movie was a prequel arc before it that helped to show off more of the teenage Goten and Trunks antics that led into their role for the movie. Expanding their role, it turns out that they had become local superheroes much like the Great Saiyaman did years before. 

Dragon Ball Super's manga has been spending its last few chapters adapting the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero manga pretty much point for point, but has added some new materials here and there for this new version of the story. The previous chapter ended with a tease of yet another shake up as Goten and Trunks were joining the fight against Cell Max themselves, but unlike as seen in the movie, they would be going into battle as their superhero personas. That's teased with the first look at Dragon Ball Super Chapter 97 as spotted by @DbsHype on Twitter that you can check out below: 

How to Read Dragon Ball Super Chapter 97

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 96 saw Cell Max making its official debut in the manga's pages following Orange Piccolo and Gohan's fight against the Gamma 1 and 2 Androids, and the final moments of the chapter saw these Androids swatted by the massive monster in their attempt to correct their earlier actions. Thus Goten and Trunks decided to get into the thick of the fight on their own as Gohan and Piccolo needed some rest following their fight, but unlike in the movie, the two of them transform into their Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 hero suits that were seen during the prequel arc. 

This is already much different than how they joined the fight against Cell Max in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, and now it's just a matter of seeing whether or not Dragon Ball Super Chapter 97 makes even more changes. You'll be able to read it for free with Viz Media's digital Shonen Jump library when it releases in Japan on Wednesday, September 20th. 

What are you hoping to see in Dragon Ball Super's next chapter? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!
