
‘Dragon Ball Super’ Reveals Ultra Instinct, Female Super Saiyan Designs

Dragon Ball Super may be over, but the folks behind the TV series know what its fans want. With […]

Dragon Ball Super may be over, but the folks behind the TV series know what its fans want. With the looming promise of more anime down the road, Toei Animation wants fans to stay up to date with Son Goku, and the company is helping fans do that with a new art book. And, yes โ€” it gives all you fans a new look at Goku’s first Ultra Instinct state and the female Saiyans of Universe 6.

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As you can see below, the latest box set for Dragon Ball Super just went live in Japan, and fans were quick to share its contents online. The package comes with design sheets which reveal original character mock-ups and designs. So, it isn’t too surprising to see that Goku’s new form is featured in the supplement.

The artwork shown gives fans a full look of Goku’s first take on Ultra Instinct. This form isn’t his completed transformation, but it was the first one he used in battle. Goku whipped this bad boy out in episode 110 when he fought Jiren for the first time in the Tournament of Power, and it is as intense now as it was then. Goku’s ripped Gi shows how hard he has been working, and his highlighted hair gives away the silver shade that the final Ultra Instinct form uses.

Goku isn’t the only Saiyan spotlighted in this DVD box set goodie. Caulifla and Kale also shine in this character design leaflet as both girls are seen in their base form, their Super Saiyan forms, and their fusion forms. Caulifla has an easy SSJ progression, but Kale is a bit complicated since she has two forms: Berserk SSJ and Normal SSJ. Their fusion, which is known as Kefla, also has a basic SSJ form which fans were able to see in action when the two female Super Saiyan fused using Potara earrings during the Tournament of Power.

Dragon Ball Super currently airs its English dub on Adult Swim during the Toonami programming block Saturday evenings at 9:30 p.m. It is also available to stream on FunimationNOW and Amazon Video. The Japanese language release of the series is complete, and available to stream on FunimationNOW, VRV, and Crunchyroll.

What did you think of these characters’ power-ups? Do you like how they look? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics, k-pop, and anime!