Edens Zero Season 2 Unlocks Rebecca's True Power

Edens Zero Season 2 has reached a major turning point in the fight against Drakken Joe and his cronies, and the newest episode has literally hit the reset button on everything with the reveal of the true power hidden within Rebecca Bluegarden's Cat Leaper Ether Gear power! When Shiki Granbell and the Edens Zero first made their move on Drakken Joe, they immediately discovered why he's been such a feared presence as the crew were not only overwhelmed by the Element 4, but they were quickly and decisively defeated. It led to the darkest ending for an Edens Zero episode yet. 

The first few episodes for Edens Zero Season 2 seemed to play much like the first season as Shiki and the Edens Zero crew were able to take on all of the challenges coming their way without much trouble. But following Shiki's death and some significant losses in the previous episode, Rebecca was completely out of options and hope as her friends were sent off to terrible fates of their own. But thankfully, her true Ether Gear power unlocked and she was able to go back in time in the hopes that things go better the second time around. 

Edens Zero: What Is Rebecca's Ether Gear Power? 

Edens Zero Season 2 Episode 31 picks up a week after Shiki was killed by Drakken Joe, and it's revealed that Homura and Weisz had been sold into slavery, and Pino and Happy were thrown into a junk pit. It's the worst possible fate for the members of the Edens Zero crew, and Rebecca has been held hostage by Drakken Joe as he's waiting for her power to awaken. It's something that she's not aware of herself, but her desperation soon activates Cat Leaper in a whole new way. It turns out her Ether Gear isn't a speed boost, but the ability to "leap" backwards in time. 

Cat Leaper then brings Rebecca to right before Drakken Joe's crew attacked the Edens Zero ship in the first place, and she was able to use her knowledge of the future to help them escape some early troubles that spelled doom for them the last time. Now as the Edens Zero crew prepares for a "rematch" against Rebcca, Drakken Joe is curiously calling Rebecca "Number 30" instead of the "Number 29" that he referred to her as in the original timeline. 

Now that Edens Zero is playing with time travel, there are all sorts of wild things coming for Season 2 next! What do you think of seeing Rebecca's true Ether Gear power in action? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!
