Mobile Suit Gundam recently celebrated its fortieth anniversary, with its first anime series premiering in 1979, and the franchise has done a great job of capitalizing on the stylish designs of the anime mech suits, with the latest example being a partnership with the company Asus to create some Gundam themed PC parts! Over the decades long history of the franchise, there have been plenty of pieces of merchandise that have helped promote the numerous anime series to new heights with this year even seeing the arrival of a life sized walking statue in Japan!
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Mobile Suit Gundam fans who also spend their spare time building personal computers will be ecstatic to see that the anime designs will be used to create these unique motherboards and video cards. While you won’t be able to use these computer parts to pilot your own mech suit any time soon, it will definitely allow fans to show off their love of the anime franchise via their rigs! While these special PC parts are set to arrive in Japan, there is currently no release date for them to arrive in North America, though we’re crossing our fingers that these Mobile Suit Gundam themed parts will one day hit the west!
Twitter Outlet Tom’s Hardware shared the first look at these unique computer parts that do an amazing job of translating the aesthetic of Mobile Suit: Gundam, doing justice to the franchise that has easily become the most popular mech franchise in the world of anime:
Asus is Making Gundam-Styled PC Parts for the Japanese Market
— Tom’s Hardware (@tomshardware) October 13, 2020
While the life sized statue is set to arrive later this year, taking its first steps in Japan, the same can’t be said for the next film in the anime franchise in Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash. The movie, which is set to take place in the same universe as the original Gundam series, featuring characters like Amuro and Char as the war between Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon raged on, will introduce a new character who acts as the spiritual successor to both the hero and villain of the original series.
Will you be attempting to pick up these Mobile Suit Gundam PC parts? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Gundam!