JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders was the first season of Hirohiko Araki’s franchise that introduced the world to the concept of Stands, with Jotaro Kujo receiving some Cosplay in honor of being the first Joestar to show off his Stand in Star Platinum! Though Jotaro’s time as the main protagonist has come and gone with the end of the third story line, he was a supporting character in the saga known as Diamond Is Unbreakable and was able to even make a cameo appearance in Golden Wind, with him potentially returning for the next season if it follows Stone Ocean!
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In the sixth season of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean, Jotaro’s daughter takes the reins as the protagonist, but Jolyne will find herself attempting to save her father from a plan that was put into place following the death of the vampire villain known as Dio Brando! Though the sixth season of the anime has yet to be confirmed, fans are expecting this news to potentially drop next year in 2021 as David Productions is hyping a big event for the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure franchise!
Instagram Cosplayer Julian Sumiso shared this impressive take on a shirtless Jotaro Kujo, translating the appearance of one of the most popular Joestars to the real world:
What do you think of this impressive Cosplay from the world of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure? Do you expect to see Stone Ocean arrive in 2021? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Stands!